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Table 1: Participants by Entering Educational Functioning Level, Ethnicity, and Sex

Table 1: Participants by Entering Educational Functioning Level, Ethnicity, and Sex

Program Year
2015 (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016)
Entering Education Functioning LevelAmerican Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteMore than One RaceTotal
ABE Beginning Literacy+0+7221548240+863847256
ABE Beginning Basic Education1311911353010471++2021451215661
ABE Intermediate Low1915+2589552372055+44138227261555
ABE Intermediate High5449382916762512310137138975465653514
ASE Low17102116521315093++59819523291219
ASE High++648+62280+230841611456
ESL Beginning Literacy00404410+1411040021350+418
ESL Beginning Low+0445282290108001621+0363
ESL Beginning High0+841212034296327++3758+7991
ESL Intermediate Low0012420831354435270+711174+1565
ESL Intermediate High0+991591719384469+066105661332
ESL Advanced++651082210318377++5867761048

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+ Data were suppressed to protect the confidentiality of individual participant data.