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Table 1: Participants by Entering Educational Functioning Level, Ethnicity, and Sex

Table 1: Participants by Entering Educational Functioning Level, Ethnicity, and Sex

Program Year
2007 (July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008)
Entering Education Functioning LevelAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteTotal
ABE Beginning Literacy1368154992818767++4132351629
ABE Beginning Basic Education3332233510888792001267+1250+4513
ABE Intermediate Low485324461036105819320659139915135590
ABE Intermediate High66682534953121618420749216926087543
ASE Low352811162923607579++138314083690
ASE High33205141652195449++133412533151
ESL Beginning Literacy++5580+477010836++202027
ESL Beginning Low001947++256327++++659
ESL Beginning High0+2236++25732500+4652
ESL Intermediate Low+01849001982570++8534
ESL Intermediate High0+2545++20727200711571
ESL Advanced001855++174170+0622451

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+ Data were suppressed to protect the confidentiality of individual participant data.