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WIOA 2018 - Table 8

Outcomes for Adults in Family Literacy Programs

Instructions for Completing Table 8

Include only family literacy program participants in Table 8.

Note: All shaded columns will be calculated automatically by OCTAE’s data system.

For reporting measurable skill gains:

Enter in column B the total number of Family Literacy program participants enrolled during the reporting period. For column C, follow the instructions for reporting measurable skill gains in columns E, F, and G on table 4.

For reporting the exit-based Primary Indicators of Performance:

Follow instructions for completing Table 5 to report these outcomes.

For reporting family literacy outcome measures:

Report in Column B the total number of participants who exited during the program year. Do not exclude participants because of missing Social Security numbers or other missing data.

Achievement of one or more of the increased involvement in children’s education or children’s literacy activities measures should be counted only once per participant. However, the specific outcome should be recorded in the subcategory and more than one outcome may be reported, so that the total for the three subcategories may be greater than the total reported for the overall category. For example, a participant who helped more frequently with schoolwork and increased contact with child’s teachers would be recorded in both categories but would be counted only once in the overall category of “increased involvement in children’s education.”