WIOA 2018 - Data Quality Checklist
States use this checklist to rate their implementation of the data quality standards in their NRS data collection procedures. States also describe details of their data collection policies and procedures for some standards. States must also include with the checklist, a plan for data quality improvement. The director of the administrative State agency where the Federal adult education and literacy program resides must certify the checklist, and the checklist must be submitted with the annual NRS data performance report.
Reporting on Standards
The checklist presents the standards for each content area and quality level. States are to report whether they have the policy process or procedure described by the standards by indicating “yes” if the standard has been met or “no” if it has not been met. Some standards apply only to the survey or data matching follow-up methodologies for collecting NRS outcome measures. If the State does not use one of the methods, then it should report “not applicable” (NA) for the standard. Please note that because your State may meet some of the standards in all categories (e.g., some under the acceptable level and some under the superior level), it is important to complete the entire checklist.
To report that the State has met the standard (i.e., “yes”), the State must meet all of the criteria for the standard. For example, for the standard concerning written State assessment policy, the policy must include all of the topics listed in the standard. Otherwise the State must indicate “no” for the standard and address the problem in the data quality improvement plan.
Narrative Detail
Some standards require the State to provide additional information, such as the name of assessment used, the State’s follow-up method, or a narrative description with more detail. For example, if a State has a system of technical assistance on data quality to local providers, then the State must describe the system. All narrative descriptions should be brief but sufficient enough to convey the information requested. No more than a few sentences are necessary.
Data Quality Improvement Plan
If a State fails to meet superior standards in any area, the State must include a brief data quality improvement plan that describes how it will move toward superior quality within the next year. The plan must address all standards that the State did not meet, describe what new policies or procedures it will put in place to meet the standards, and identify barriers to moving to a higher quality level and the technical assistance needed to implement the plan. DAEL will offer technical assistance to States.
Submission and Certification
States are to complete the checklist for the program year for the NRS data due on December 31 of each year. The last page of the checklist is a certification page, where the State director of adult education or head of the administrative State agency where the Federal adult education and literacy program resides must certify to the accuracy of the information in the checklist. The director or agency head must sign this page. All signed reports and data certifications should be sent as a scanned email attachment. Mailed paper with signatures will no longer be required.