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Table 1: Participants by Entering Educational Functioning Level, Ethnicity, and Sex

Table 1: Participants by Entering Educational Functioning Level, Ethnicity, and Sex

Program Year
2000 (July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2001)
Entering Education Functioning LevelAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteTotal
ABE Beginning Literacy++0080131000282284
ABE Beginning Basic Education2418046+2033++101100310
ABE Intermediate Low345108754933++186154531
ABE Intermediate High3028+76+52440+271334777
ASE Low840+7+2912+0153115333
ASE High45+45012110+136122302
ESL Beginning Literacy0069003035+++691
ESL Beginning0061300266640510130
ESL Intermediate Low0047002138+0+577
ESL Intermediate High+0940+1221+0+456
ESL Low Advanced0+412009750+644
ESL High Advanced00++0091000+1032

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OMB Control Number 1830-0027

+ Data were suppressed to protect the confidentiality of individual participant data.