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Table 4: Educational Gains and Attendance by Educational Functioning Level

Table 4: Educational Gains and Attendance by Educational Functioning Level

Program Year
2004 (July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005)
Entering Educational Functioning LevelTotal Number EnrolledTotal Attendance HoursNumber Completed LevelNumber Who Completed a Level and Advanced One or More LevelsNumber Separated Before CompletedNumber Remaining within Level% Completing Level
ABE Beginning Literacy13071396384011664594470.3068
ABE Beginning Basic Education3299325775992400117511320.3007
ABE Intermediate Low48864272471350260194115950.2763
ABE Intermediate High899663521713971185433532640.1553
ASE Low2845166238239316629440.084
ASE High75737153004503070
ESL Beginning Literacy20042438149062665265720.4521
ESL Beginning960911705533887977280329190.4045
ESL Intermediate Low74359510063193839214620960.4295
ESL Intermediate High50396694422007264155114810.3983
ESL Low Advanced4001478931959895157814640.2397
ESL High Advanced20819446310102750.149

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