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Table 9: Outcomes for Adults in Workplace Literacy Programs

PROGRAM YEAR: 2005 - 2006 (Aggregate Table)

REGION: Western

Core Follow-up Outcome MeasuresNumber of Participants with Main or Secondary GoalNumber of Participants Included in Survey (Sampled and Universe)Number of Participants Responding to Survey or Used for Data MatchingResponse Rate or Percent Available for MatchNumber of Participants Achieving OutcomeWeighted Average Percent Achieving Outcome
Completed an Educational Functioning Level6452144721460.332622590.3501
Entered Employment11816677940.67234300.3640
Retained Employment2339162615970.682711020.4711
Obtained a Secondary School Credential or Its Equivalent8535357390.86632720.3188
Entered Postsecondary Education or Training9185458260.89973510.3823
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