PROGRAM YEAR: 2005 - 2006 (Aggregate Table)
REGION: Western
Core Follow-up Outcome Measures | Number of Participants with Main or Secondary Goal | Number of Participants Included in Survey (Sampled and Universe) | Number of Participants Responding to Survey or Used for Data Matching | Response Rate or Percent Available for Match | Number of Participants Achieving Outcome | Weighted Average Percent Achieving Outcome |
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (E) | (F) | (G) |
Completed an Educational Functioning Level | 11644 | 0 | 0 | 0.0000 | 4745 | 0.4075 |
Entered Employment | 1717 | 734 | 1218 | 0.7093 | 884 | 0.5148 |
Retained Employment | 606 | 389 | 402 | 0.6633 | 272 | 0.4488 |
Obtained a Secondary School Credential or Its Equivalent | 1778 | 706 | 1094 | 0.6152 | 657 | 0.3695 |
Entered Postsecondary Education or Training | 784 | 457 | 503 | 0.6415 | 328 | 0.4183 |
Increased Involvement in children's education | 6774 | 417 | 2106 | 0.3108 | 4597 | 0.6786 |
Increased involvement in children's literacy activities | 7729 | 225 | 2835 | 0.3668 | 5389 | 0.6972 |