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Table 5: Core Follow-up Outcome Achievement

PROGRAM YEAR: 2001 - 2002 (Aggregate Table)

REGION: Southern

Core Follow-up Outcome MeasuresNumber of Participants with Main or Secondary GoalNumber of Participants Included in Survey (Sampled and Universe)Number of Participants Responding to Survey or Used for Data MatchingResponse Rate or Percent Available for MatchNumber of Participants Achieving OutcomeAverage Percent Achieving Outcome
Entered Employment379688656283231730.85111531980.4740
Retained Employment262643556012211090.84181693400.7658
Obtained a Secondary School Credential or Its Equivalent4124591275583062810.74251597750.5216
Entered Postsecondary Education or Training160340502611177560.7344445480.3783
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