State Leadership Funds (Adult education and family literacy act Section 223 (AEFLA))
AEFLA Section 223(1)(a)
Narrative Report for FY 2021-2022
The Palau Ministry of Education (MOE) is the sole entity responsible for the administration and implementation of adult education programs within Palau. As a single state and local service delivery area, the Palau MOE is the only agency within Palau that is solely responsible for the administration and implementation of public primary and secondary education including adult education activities in Palau.
Palau’s Narrative Report covers the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, which addresses activities, outlined in the Republic of Palau State Plan for Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA).
The Palau Adult Education Program used the Insular Area Grant 2021-2022 purchased desktop computers and were able to set up computer lab for students and classes with our partner, the Palau Community College.
This year, the Ministry of Education continues the plan for online learning with the outlying states for high school students who are not able to attend classes here on the main island due to transportation issues. The Adult Education Program will work with the progress of the pilot program for the possibility of distance education.
AEFLA Section 223(1)(b)
State Leadership Fund:
Professional Development:
- In June 13 to 16th, 2022, Adult Education Administrative Staff attended the Annual CASAS National Summer Institute in San Diego. The institute provided set of session focused on assessments, proctoring tests, tracking and monitoring tests, and Instructional Reports.
- In July 11 to 13th, 2022, A Professional Development Workshop was held in Guam. The training were focused on reporting data and student services with CASAS updates and learning updates for NRS.
- To provide quality teaching, the Ministry of Education continues to provide in-house trainings for Adult Education teachers in other areas such as, computer literacy and data management. Additionally, the Palau Adult Education program continues to work with with the Ministry of Education – Division of Research and Evaluation office in monitoring and evaluation system to track students’ performance and progress.
AEFLA Section 223(1)(c)
Resource Center:
The Palau Public Library (PPL) and Palau Community College Library (PCC) serves as resource center for adult learners and provide support for learning outside the classroom environment. Adult learners use both libraries to complete their assignments, conduct research and reading to improve their literacy skills.
Curriculum Development:
Working with limited number of students, Palau Adult Education Program (AEP) hires part-time teachers. Majority of these teachers are full-time classroom teachers for the Ministry. In 2014, the Ministry revised its English and Math curriculum to include Common Core State Standards. Since then, AEP has reviewed and revised curriculum to include CCRS and CCSS. Furthermore, Palau AEP uses ETS HiSET® testing for ASE Low and ASE High students. The ETS HiSET® is designed to align with CCR Standards. Materials for preparing students for high school equivalency tests are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and College and Career Readiness Standards.
Support Service:
Adult learners also benefit from services provided by the Ministry Adult Ed. Program, admission and registration, assessment and counseling, Ministry’s College Access program and community partners such as National Youth Council of Palau (NYCP), Workforce Investment Act office that provide access to local employment opportunity and helps identify out-of-school youth, Division of Job Placement Office, Belau Employers and Educators Alliance (BEEA) which offer appropriate training for adult learners as well as prepare students for future workforce, Ministry of Justice – Youth Service & Juvenile Justice Program, and Belau Family, School and Community Association).
Linkage with Workforce Investment:
The Ministry of Education that oversees the Palau Adult Education Program remains an active member of the Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Workforce Investment Board. The Minister is a member of the board to assure adult education program initiatives are well represented. The board continues to prioritize the need of adult learner and to maximize the services offered by various programs assisting individuals in obtaining their high school equivalency diploma.
Postsecondary Linkage:
Palau Adult Education program work in Partnership with Palau Community College Vocational Certification Program (VCP) to invest in a skilled Palauan citizen workforce and creating a tax incentive for businesses to hire the said vocationally certified students. Programs offered are Certificates of Completion for Construction, Automotive and Outboard Motor Technologies – for anyone who have high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma, Certificates of Competence for Construction, Automotive and Outboard Motor/Small Engine Technologies – for anyone without a high school diploma. Students are encouraged to enroll in the adult education program for their high school equivalency diploma and pursue the vocational track.
Additionally, postsecondary linkage is accomplished through College Access Challenge Grant (CACG), Belau Employers and Educators Alliance (BEEA) and Career Readiness & Career Exploration program. These programs provide adult learners and their family workshops (College Preparation & Admissions, SAT preparation, FAFSA information) and career goal assessment. Staff from the Ministry do outreach program to all the outlying states and rural areas to present each community on their respective program.
AEFLA Section 223(1)(d)
As a single state and local service delivery area, the Palau Adult Education Program regularly meets with teachers, staff and partner agencies to discuss needs, performance data and program compliance. The Palau Adult Education Program visits and monitor sites to ensure that evidenced based educational and students support models, and quality instruction are being applied in the classrooms.
AEFLA Section 223(a)(2)
Performance Data Analysis
Performance Data Analysis:
Palau Adult Education USDOE State Grant Awards for FY’ 2021-2022 under the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), is to help and provide the training and services to improve the out of school youth and educationally disadvantaged adults to achieve their High School Equivalency Diploma and be able to pursue their education in post-secondary education or earn employability skills, life skills that will enable them into a planned dynamic and cooperative lives and become productive citizens of the Republic of Palau.
There is slightly increasing number of drop out students who will be our clients in the near future. The goals and objectives of Palau Adult Education program will be accomplished by disseminating information about the program, identifying and recruiting participants, implementing classes in preparing students for HiSET exam, Computer-Based learning class, and corrections education. Implementation of Computer-Based learning class will be offered to Adult Education students in all content areas.
For this program year, July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, there was a slight increase for number of adult learners. During this program year, the new administrative assistant has been working with the Program Coordinator to address the following during this reporting period:
- Monitored attendance
- Documented reason for learners’ absenteeism;
- Validated enrollment;
- Continued to offer classes as needed;
- Continued to work with teachers and curriculum team to assess curriculum and program;
- Follow up on adult learners after obtaining their high school equivalency diploma;
- Follow up on adult learners who have left the program or no longer in the program for more than 3 months;
- Coordinate with MOE Division of School Management to conduct outreach programs to outlying states.
Furthermore, this program year, adult learners were carefully monitored on their progress and status. Out of the 17 students who have obtained their high school equivalency diploma 9 successfully enrolled at Palau Community College, 5 retained their employment or currently employed while 3 remains unemployed for other reasons.
The program has experienced number of participants who are no longer in the program for more than 3 months period. During the follow up, majority of these students either entered a part / full time employment (ex. Working in the store or construction business) or staying home taking care of their elderly parents.) Palau continues to address these issues and to conduct survey to find better ways in meeting the needs of our adult learners.
Integration with One-stop Partners
Integration with One-Stop Partners:
Implementation of the program includes involvement of the state governments and the schools at each site where the program is. Adult Education Program is working closely with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Workforce Investment Act office and Palau Community College to provide services for the qualified individuals receiving services within their respective areas. MOE Adult Education Program continues to receive referrals from each agency for clients interested in basic adult education or adult secondary education. Brochures and other informational materials describing adult education program are available in each partner agencies.
Adult learners who are seeking employment opportunities are referred to Division of Job Placement and WIOA. The Belau Employers and Educators Alliance Organization (BEEA) is working closely with private sectors in helping individuals who are currently seeking employments.
With our efforts, we will continue to identify, locate and inform potential service recipients through visits to community and continued liaison with schools and other agencies to identify adult who may need the service. Radio programs, public forums, conventions and other advertisements will be conducted to bring the programs to the public’s attention. Instructors will be recruited and hired to develop course syllabus and course outlines for conducting class instructions and trainings for students who are qualified for the program.
Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education
IELCE Funds and grants
Training activity
IELCE Section 243(c)(1)
IELCE Section 243(c)(2)
Adult Education Standards
Adult Education Standards:
Palau is a single state and local area, and as one of the core partners under the Workforce Innovations and Opportunity Act herein WIOA, the Ministry of Education that administers the Adult Education plays an integral role in the workforce development system by providing access to educational services for adult learners through collaborative partnership with WIOA Office that administers youth, adult, and dislocated worker program funds and workforce activities. Adult Education increases opportunity in the educational and workforce development of adults as workers, parents, and citizens. Recognizing that this program plays a critical role in adult attainment of a secondary diploma, it also further assists in the transition to postsecondary education and training with the implementation of career pathways.
Under Title II of the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA), eligible individuals are those who:
- has attained 18 years of age;
- is not enrolled or required to be enrolled in secondary school under State law; and who;
- is basic skills deficient;
- does not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, and has not achieved an equivalent level of education; or
- is an ESL (English as Second Language).
Adult Education will provide the following critical services and activities to support adult learners with the goal of improving access to education and training opportunities, as well as to employment:
- Assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills for employment and economic self-sufficiency;
- Assist English learners in improving their English and math proficiency;
- Assist incarcerated individuals in strengthening their knowledge and skills to promote successful re-entry into society.
Adult Education and Literacy Activities:
The Adult Basic Education (ABE) is a program of literacy and basic skills learning options below the high school level for adults whose inability to speak, read, write, compute to solve problems, or relate effectively with others impairs their ability to get or retain employment, exercise their rights and responsibilities as community members, and/or support their families pursue self-sufficiency. ABE programs are designed to raise the level of education of such individuals with a view to making them less likely to become dependent on others, improving their ability to benefit from occupational training, increasing their opportunities for more productive and profitable employment, and making them better able to meet their adult responsibilities. Individuals will be placed in the appropriate CASAS level based on test scores.
The Palau Adult Basic Education Program has been designed for:
- Non-native speakers of English to improve their conversational, reading, writing and numeracy skills in English;
- Adult students (18 years old and older) who did not complete their high school education, but plan to complete the high school equivalency examinations;
- Returning adult learners who did not complete their high school education to prepare to take the high school equivalency examination;
- Adult literacy students to improve their basic reading, writing, and/or mathematics skill(s);
- Adults to be prepared for successful job placement, career training or career performance; and
- Adults who are parents preparing to become effective first teachers of their children. The performance measures for ABE programs are outlined in the Workforce Innovative Opportunity Act, Title II, Adult Basic Education and Family Literacy.
Adult Secondary Education (ASE) prepares eligible adults to complete a high school equivalency diploma. It may be also a basic skills brush-up program for adults who wish to refresh their high school level math, reading or writing skills to carry out their adult roles as workers, family and community members. Adult will be able to acquire a high school equivalency diploma by passing all five subjects (Science, Social, Math, English Reading, English Writing) through ETS® HiSET® Testing. Learners must consume at least 60 hours of instruction and examination subsequently.
Classes are offered at Palau High School Campus, main venue and school campuses for the outlying states and neighboring states to minimize educational barriers, such as transportation or childcare. Regardless of the adult learners’ educational path, all students must first take CASAS (Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System) Math and Reading GOALS
test to assess their education functioning level.
Palau Adult Education Program is using CASAS paper-based testing to assess the learners’ English and Math skill level. The adult learner is then place into the appropriate educational functioning level and class based on his/her CASAS appraisal/pre-test score. CASAS determined score of at least 236 is a good indicator that the learner will do well on the high school equivalency test (HiSET®). Adult leaners with a score of at least 236 (CASAS) are advised to enroll in Adult Secondary Education (ASE) program. Learners who score below 236 are advised to take the appropriate Adult Basic Education course.
Needs and Challenges:
Palau Adult Education Program is the only program here in Palau that provides the HiSET program and services for dropouts’ youth or adults who lack ability to achieve their High School Equivalency Diploma. Palau needs the continuation of this program and its funding for the betterment of Human Resources, Economic sustainability and elevates the living standards of displaced homemakers.
Programs for Corrections Education (AEFLA Section 225)
Programs for Corrections Education and the Education of Other Institutionalized Individuals:
The MOE Adult Education Program is offering adult secondary education classes and English literacy program at the Division of Corrections. The Palau Division of Corrections (DOC) has been partner with Palau Adult Education Program for many years.
Eligible customers will be offered adult education and literacy activities. Instructions offered may integrate life skills, employability skills, and digital literacy skills to assist the incarcerated young adults and adults to obtain the needed skills to become self-reliant and contributing members of Palauan society upon their release from the correctional facility. Priority has been set to those who are likely to leave the institutional within five years of participation in the adult education program.
This program year, no classes were offered at the Division of Correction for this year, due to no eligible inmates enrollment after the lockdown. This is mainly due to shortage of DOC officers to help monitor the inmates who are attending classes and other in-house incidents that prevents the eligible inmates to attend classes.