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Table 1: Participants by Entering Educational Functioning Level, Ethnicity, and Sex

Table 1: Participants by Entering Educational Functioning Level, Ethnicity, and Sex

Program Year
2004 (July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005)
Entering Education Functioning LevelAmerican Indian or Alaskan NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific IslanderWhiteTotal
ABE Beginning Literacy124107+123917543368+0131911440
ABE Beginning Basic Education23526218+5837997842+71661382784
ABE Intermediate Low+4671223674412371299+62623034111
ABE Intermediate High4044439111064215631420445425265074
ASE Low117944+418500327++2702111579
ASE High6221+6234302118+0201106845
ESL Beginning Literacy2564422018+586954++95451855
ESL Beginning9136564545961060++39491907
ESL Intermediate Low+42978+459410040011371764
ESL Intermediate High+43265+53647250018261243
ESL Low Advanced+534894+3286860+14571220
ESL High Advanced+91426+087140001217310

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+ Data were suppressed to protect the confidentiality of individual participant data.