Table 5: Core Follow-up Outcome Achievement
1st Period of Participation | All Periods of Participation | |||||
Primary Indicators of Performance | Number of Participants who Exited | Number of Participants who Exited Achieving Outcome or Median Earnings Value | Percentage of Participants Achieving Outcome | Total Periods of Participation | Total Number of Periods of Participation in which Participants Achieved Outcome or Median Earnings Value for All Periods of Participation | Percentage of Participants in All Periods of Participation Achieving Outcome |
(A) | (B) | (C) | (D) | (E) | (F) | (G) |
Employment Second Quarter after exit | 9331 | 3937 | 0.4219 | 9454 | 3980 | 0.4209 |
Employment Fourth Quarter after exit | 9292 | 3958 | 0.4259 | 9582 | 4105 | 0.4284 |
Median Earnings Second Quarter after exit | 3937 | 6500 | N/A | 3980 | 6500 | N/A |
Attained a Secondary School Diploma/Equivalent and Enrolled in Postsecondary Education or Training within one year of exit | 757 | 37 | 0.0488 | 763 | 38 | 0.0498 |
Attained a Secondary School Diploma/Equivalent and Employed within one year of exit | 757 | 118 | 0.1558 | 763 | 120 | 0.1572 |
Attained a Postsecondary Credential while enrolled or within one year of exit | 320 | 119 | 0.3718 | 323 | 120 | 0.3715 |
Attained any credential (unduplicated) | 1073 | 247 | 0.2301 | 1082 | 250 | 0.231 |
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Instructions for Completing Table 5
Note: All shaded columns will be calculated automatically by OCTAE’s data system.
For the purposes of reporting on Employment 2nd Quarter, Employment 4th Quarter, Median Earnings, and the Credential Attainment indicators on Tables 5, 5A, 8, 9, 10, and 11 each program entry and exit per participant during the reporting period is considered a period of participation.
Do not exclude participants because of missing Social Security numbers or other missing data.
Exit: The exit date is the last date of service. The last day of service cannot be determined until at least 90 days have elapsed since the participant last received services. Services do not include self-service, information-only services or activities, or follow-up services. This also requires that there are no plans to provide the participant with future services.
Period of Participation: For all indicators, except measurable skill gains, a period of participation refers to the period of time beginning when an individual becomes a participant and ending on the participant’s date of exit from the program. States must count each participant’s exit during the same program year as a separate period of participation for purposes of calculating levels of performance. For all indicators, except the measurable skill gains indicator, a new period of participation is counted each time a participant re-enters and exits the program— even if both exits occur during the same program year. A person with more than one period of participation in a program year is counted separately for each period of participation in both the numerator and denominator of each applicable performance indicator. Therefore, the person is counted multiple times— once for each period of participation. Please see OCTAE program memorandum 17-2 for examples of counting periods of participation.
* Report in Column B (second and fourth quarter employment) the total number of participants who exited during the program year, excluding participants who exited due to the exclusions listed in OCTAE Memorandum 17-2 Attachment 2: Table A or incarcerated individuals under section 225 of WIOA who exited the AEFLA program but are still incarcerated.
** Report in Column B (Median Earnings) the total number of participants who exited during the program year and who were employed in the second quarter after program exit, excluding participants who exited due to the exclusions listed in OCTAE Program Memorandum 17-2 Attachment 2: Table A or incarcerated individuals under section 225 who exited the AEFLA program but are still incarcerated.
*** Report in Column B (secondary school credential attainment) the total number of participants without a secondary school credential or recognized equivalent who exited during the program year who entered at, or advanced into, a secondary school level program (9th grade equivalent or higher), excluding participants who exited due to the exclusions listed in OCTAE Program Memorandum 17-2 Attachment 2: Table A or incarcerated individuals under section 225 who exited the AEFLA program but remain incarcerated. Participants may potentially be reported in both secondary school credential rows and the postsecondary credential row. For participants included in the secondary school credential denominator who do not achieve a qualifying secondary school credential or recognized equivalent, choose only one row to report for Column B. For participants who achieved a secondary school credential or a recognized equivalent, enrolled in postsecondary education or training, and were employed within one year of exit, Column B and Column C would be reported for BOTH secondary school credential rows.
**** Report in Column B (postsecondary credential attainment) the total number of participants who during the program year were also enrolled in a postsecondary education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential and exited that postsecondary training program, excluding participants who exited due to the exclusions listed in OCTAE Program Memorandum 17-2 Attachment 2: Table A or incarcerated individuals under section 225 who exited the AEFLA program but are still incarcerated. Participants may potentially be reported in both secondary school credential rows and the postsecondary credential row.
***** Report in Column B (Attained any credential (unduplicated)) the unduplicated total number of participants who EITHER: (1) did not possess a secondary school credential or recognized equivalent and exited during the program year who entered at, or advanced into, a secondary school level program (9th grade equivalent or higher) OR (2) were co- enrolled in a postsecondary education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential and exited that postsecondary training program; excluding participants who exited due to the exclusions listed in OCTAE Program Memorandum 17-2 Attachment 2: Table A or incarcerated individuals under section 225 who exited the AEFLA program but remain incarcerated. Participants who meet the requirements for inclusion in both the secondary and postsecondary credential cohorts would only be recorded once in Column B.
Column C (except for Median Earnings) is the number of participants that achieved each outcome. For Median Earnings reporting, Column C is the median earnings value which is the midpoint between lowest and highest quarterly wage, in U.S. dollars, for the total number of participants who exited during the program year and who were employed in the second quarter after program exit, excluding participants who exited due to the exclusions listed in OCTAE Program Memorandum 17-2 Attachment 2: Table A or incarcerated individuals under section 225 who exited the AEFLA program but are still incarcerated. Participants who earn both a secondary and postsecondary credential would only be recorded once in Column C.
Column C, for median earnings, is the quarterly wage value for participants employed in the 2nd quarter after exit.
Column D (except for Median Earnings) is the number in Column C divided by the number in Column B. Column D should never be greater than 100 percent.
Column E is the total number of periods of participation for each participant reported in column B. This number will be greater than or equal to the number of participants in Column B.
Column F (except for Median Earnings) is the number of periods of participation in which the outcome was achieved.
For Median Earnings reporting, Column F is the median earnings value which is the midpoint between lowest and highest quarterly wage, in U.S. dollars, for the total number of periods of participation, excluding incarcerated individuals under section 225 who exited the AEFLA program but are still incarcerated.
Column F, for Median Earnings, is the median value for quarterly wage values from all PoPs reported for participants employed in the 2nd quarter after exit. In cases where participants have multiple PoPs, there would be the same number of instances of a quarterly earnings value. Those values would all be included in the final matrix of values used to determine the median quarterly earnings value for a State.
Column G (except for Median Earnings) is the number in Column F divided by the number in Column E. Column G should never be greater than 100 percent.
Columns D and G are not applicable to Median Earnings.
OMB Control Number 1830-0027