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Narrative Report for Montana 2022

State Leadership Funds - Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) Section 223

State Leadership Funds (Adult education and family literacy act Section 223 (AEFLA))

Describe how the State has used funds made available under section 223 (State Leadership activities) for each the following:

AEFLA Section 223(1)(a)

Alignment of adult education and literacy activities with other one-stop required partners to implement the strategies in the Unified or Combined State Plan as described in section 223(1)(a)

A primary use of state leadership funds has always been to further enhance the WIOA mission and vision by including career pathway integration into adult education classrooms to align with employment and training services of our core partners, as well as labor market needs.  Programs continually analyze instruction, commercially developed materials used, computer software/distance learning platforms utilized, and types of instructor-developed resources for each educational functioning level.  This assists teachers in discovering how well the materials they use provide contextualized learning experiences with a scope and sequence that truly supports the college and career readiness standards and student transition to employment, postsecondary education, and training.  Teachers engage in reflective activities that aid them in determining how they are meeting core partner needs through adult education instructional activities.  Programs are encouraged to work together, information share, and collaborate to ensure every adult learner has the tools they need to succeed.  Core partner coordination, recruitment of diverse clients, intake, orientation, and client services remain integral to career pathway integration.  Coordination of services is crucial to recruit and engage clients in a manner that results in occupational training, postsecondary education, and employment in a progressive career path.  In spring 2023, core partner agencies began planning to facilitate WIOA Statewide Training during the summer/fall 2023 to promote better understanding, collaboration, and increased referrals between partner agencies.  As a result of this recognized need to increase and more accurately report co-enrollment of WIOA services, state staff will revise monthly monitoring tools to include reporting of co-enrollment between WIOA core programs in coming years. 

Integrated Education and Training (IET) and Workplace Literacy (WPL) programs have been an ongoing focus of WIOA adult education providers in Montana and we are seeing great strides and growth with IET/WPL programs throughout the state.  Local programs continually work to develop IET/WPL programs that are aligned with student interests and regional workforce needs.  Relationships with community partners and local businesses are critical in designing and implementing these relevant IET/WPL programs.  The state previously created a work group that met regularly to focus efforts on IET/WPL program development, resources, and best practices.  It is important to note that the state staff deemed it necessary to reevaluate and revamp the IET offerings in Montana during the 2022-2023 program year.  These ongoing efforts will remain a focus in the years ahead.  WIOA adult education providers keep updated contact information for all partners they work with in their regional area and strive to expand partnerships each program year.  Partners are periodically asked to complete a survey to evaluate knowledge of and services provided by WIOA adult education providers.  Survey results allow the state and local providers to gauge satisfaction, make necessary improvements, and/or tailor services in regional areas.

The state recognizes the need to expand and strengthen existing components of career pathway instruction provided by all local adult education programs.  The state continues to use the statewide career pathway curriculum via Montana Career Information System (MCIS) and our web-based math and English curriculum, EdReady.  MCIS is a robust career-planning tool that motivates students to think about their next steps beyond adult education and engages them in thoughtful short- and long-term planning for further education and job attainment.  Teachers integrate these materials and learning activities into existing career counseling activities.  EdReady allows teachers to develop and use a variety of instructional strategies for lessons within this learning platform.  The use of MCIS and EdReady creates a systemic approach to adult education instruction across programs.  In addition, the state includes components relevant to career pathways during fall and spring meetings and adult education staff have opportunities to network and learn from colleagues throughout the state.  In general, teachers across the state use a variety of resources to positively influence student retention, high school equivalency attainment, and preparedness for postsecondary education and training. 

The COVID-19 pandemic was challenging for Montana just as it was for other areas of the nation.  It changed the landscape of education and the workforce.  WIOA adult education providers have expanded their educational services to include a variety of virtual delivery modalities.  The state continues to see an increase in requests to approve additional distance learning platforms and programs assessing students virtually using TABE and/or informal assessments.  Programs strived to become more innovative and creative to serve students via Zoom, Google, telephone, etc.  Overall, programs have expanded virtual services and are expected to continue remote delivery to address student needs.

AEFLA Section 223(1)(b)

Establishment or operation of a high-quality professional development programs as described in section 223(1)(b)

The state determined that an essential element of a high-quality professional development program was the need to establish rules regarding required hours for professional development and the ability to track teacher participation.  Therefore, the state developed policy language for a professional development tracking component that is included in the data management system.  State policies were updated, as this gives the state the ability to analyze teacher participation in professional development and its impact on student outcomes.  In addition, the state monitors the competition of relevant professional development by program staff.  All programs are expected to participate in state-sponsored professional development activities, such as monthly meetings and bi-annual conferences, as well as required to seek out other professional development opportunities that align with their specific needs and interests.

The state regularly elicits feedback from teachers and other program staff to generate an understanding from their perspective of what is meaningful to support high-quality professional development offerings.  The state strongly encourages staff reflection and opportunities via collaborative meetings, monthly desktop reports, and field surveys to identify critical professional development needs.  In addition, the state takes recommendations from the field that may lead to professional development activities for the dissemination of information and promising best practices.  Ultimately, the state is committed to offering professional development opportunities that will meet the needs of diverse adult educators and adult learners.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, annual meetings sponsored by the state were primarily held virtually via Zoom.  Although periodic in-person meetings are necessary, programs appreciate being able to keep their programs operational while also being able to attend professional development activities.  In combination with remote delivery, flexible meeting agendas allowed a variety of program staff to attend the most applicable sessions.  This saved programs significant travel expenses and resulted in overall increased participation by staff across all programs.  The state plans to continue utilizing virtual delivery for future meetings and professional development activities, when deemed appropriate, for added flexibility and cost savings. 

In addition, the state always encourages collaboration and the sharing of best practices or resources between programs.  The state staff refers local programs to each other if programs are in need of support at the boots-on-the-ground level.  Collaboration between WIOA adult education programs is recorded on monthly reports and is reviewed by state staff.  These efforts are then recorded on an engagement rubric that ties into the state's performance-based funding formula.  Participation in state-sponsored meetings is also recorded on the rubric and reflected in the funding formula.  We are pleased to report that communication and collaboration between programs have seemed to improve with time and implementation of this state expectation.  Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) will also be implemented in the coming year to allow leadership, instructors, and other program staff to meet virtually with colleagues on a monthly basis.  The state hopes this will elicit teamwork and increase outcomes across all programs. 

AEFLA Section 223(1)(c)

Provision of technical assistance to funded eligible providers as described in section 223(1)(c)

State staff provided technical assistance to local programs as needed.  State staff continually analyzed data, fielded questions/inquiries, and disseminated pertinent information to adult education providers.  Technical assistance came after monthly desk audits of program data and performance or was determined and provided as needed on a case-by-case basis.  Programs that are not meeting continuous improvement goals are monitored via monthly reports and may be put on targeted assistance plans.  Also, LiteracyPro, the state's data management system support staff helped programs understand NRS reporting rules.  Zoom has allowed state staff to meet with local program staff, observe virtual classrooms, and engage in collaborative discussions with colleagues throughout the state.  In addition, the state staff worked to develop a Google Website for WIOA adult education providers.  It continues to evolve and serves as a common place to share applicable resources statewide. 

AEFLA Section 223(1)(d)

Monitoring and evaluation of the quality and improvement of adult education activities as described in section 223(1)(d)

During the 2022-2023 year, each program was monitored via desk audits and monthly reports.  Regularly scheduled desk audits ensured that data was accurate and that programs satisfied grant requirements.  Desk audits also helped programs maintain compliance with federal and state rules and allowed the state to find areas of deficit within individual programs.  The state has implemented and published a monitoring calendar.  Programs are encouraged to regularly and routinely self-monitor to ensure compliance with policies because accuracy and accountability are tied to performance funding.  Monthly report submissions were mandatory for all programs.  These reports had two sections, data analysis and a partner collaboration/activity log.  The data analysis section required programs to report and analyze data on the gains for each educational functioning level, the number of students exited, the number of students post-tested, total attendance hours, and the number of high school equivalency completers.  The data section also provided an opportunity for programs to visualize progress between consecutive years.  A component was built-in for quarterly reflection on data goals, and to help programs stay on track to meet or exceed a projected increase in general performance measures.  The partner collaboration/activity log section documented the programs’ ongoing work with agency partners to support their career pathway integration and coordination of services.  Programs were required to report on all monthly activities with current partners and identify new partner meetings and activities.  In addition, it was required that programs report on the outcome, or anticipated outcome, with the partner.  The partner collaboration/activity log also required that the programs document ongoing strategies for increasing educational gains and specify what recruitment activities were completed throughout the month.  The partner collaboration/activity log will become the basis for identifying models of promising practices.  State staff continues to utilize the written portion of the monthly reports which coincide with programmatic goals and continuous improvement.  Narrative components include areas for improvement, areas of success, professional development, motivational strategies implemented, reaching distance learners, and more. 

State staff completed the most recent WIOA Title II Adult Education Request for Proposal (RFP) competition during spring 2022.  All RFP documents were updated with concise language and clearly defined expectations.  The recent competition will guide ongoing efforts to monitor local programs either onsite or virtually.  The state has always encouraged peer monitoring, onsite or virtually, as well.  Programs are encouraged to collaborate, partner, and share clients to foster a statewide team approach for continuity of services.  The state has revised risk assessment processes and plans to work on updating on-site monitoring tools to better align with federal monitoring expectations. 

AEFLA Section 223(a)(2)

As applicable, describe how the State has used funds for additional permissible activities described in section 223(a)(2)

Other activities supported by leadership dollars included: state-sponsored fall and spring conferences, distribution of pertinent information, assessment training, purchase of distance learning curriculum or educational materials, and monthly “shop talks” for program directors.  It is important to note that a significant portion of the state leadership funding is used to cover costs associated with LACES, the data management system, for all WIOA adult education programs.  Local programs and the state continue to be highly impressed with the robust data management system itself as well as the support/training received from LiteracyPro personnel.  The transition to this robust and accurate data management system has been extremely beneficial for WIOA adult education programs in Montana.  The professional development of state staff is also important – networking with professional colleagues and organizations, sharing best practices, and gleaning new ideas or problem-solving strategies all promote continuous program improvement and effective grant management.  Therefore, as the leadership budget allows, state staff seek agency approval to attend relevant professional development opportunities. 

Performance Data Analysis

Performance Data Analysis

Describe how the adult education program performed in the overall assessment of core programs based on the core indicators of performance. Discuss how the assessment was used to improve quality and effectiveness of the funded eligible providers and any plans to further increase performance in future reporting years.

The state continues to reflect on the impact of the evolving landscape of adult education.  Montana’s diligent efforts, continuous program improvement models, and documented success are evident in the data comparisons outlined below.  With the state's performance-based funding formula, programs are highly motivated to focus on and deliver services to increase core indicator performance outcomes.

For the 2021 program year, as published by the National Reporting System for Adult Education, Montana was in the top quartile of the nation for most performance indicators.  Montana’s WIOA adult education services and overall performance for the 2022-2023 program year was high and remained consistent with recent years.

However, we believe that because enrollment increased significantly in 2022, overall MSG rates were impacted slightly.  The ABE MSG rate remained stable, but the ESL MSG rate decreased.  There was the retirement of a long-term ESL instructor, who had a tremendous impact on student engagement and retention.  The new ESL instructor hired to take over started in 2022 and is working on developing her program.  Throughout the year, statewide program staff noted capacity limits, waitlists, staff turnover and/or staff capacity concerns which we are sure had an impact on overall MSG performance as well.  The credential rate remained stable, but the state’s employment rate decreased some.  An economist at the Montana Department of Labor and Industry provided general context around Montana’s labor market in 2021 and 2022:

  • In 2022, Montana added 20,900 jobs – the most of any year in state history. Montana ranked 8th among states for employment growth in 2022, posting 3.9% growth.
  • The unemployment rate fell to a record-low 2.3% the first quarter of 2023, with the number of unemployed Montanans also hitting a record low of nearly 13,000.
  • Tight labor market conditions persisted in 2022, with nearly three job openings for every one unemployed person.
  • The state’s aging population and increased retirements has driven long-run declines in labor force participation, further exacerbating the state’s workforce shortage. The number of retirees in the state surpassed 200,000 in 2022.
  • Montana’s labor force has never been larger, with over 575,000 Montanans working or seeking work. Strong wage growth and a significant uptick in in-migration has helped increase the available pool of workers for Montana businesses.

Montana's 2021/2022 Performance Comparison

  • Overall MSG Rate
    • 2021: 56%
    • 2022: 54%
  • ABE MSG Rate
    • 2021: 54%
    • 2022: 52%
  • ESL MSG Rate
    • 2021: 73%
    • 2022: 64%
  • Credential Rate
    • ​​​​​​​2021: 58%
    • 2022: 57%
    • 2nd Quarter Employment Rate
      • ​​​​​​​2021: 64%
      • 2022: 56%
    • 4th Quarter Employment Rate
      • ​​​​​​​2021: 58%
      • 2022: 56%

    Also, for comparison and data analysis purposes, Montana’s performance throughout the last several years is documented below.

    • Montana WIOA Adult Education programs have experienced a 38% increase in total enrollment of reportable participants in the past four program years.
      • 2019: 1572
      • 2022: 2182
    • Montana WIOA Adult Education programs have experienced a 10% increase in attendance hours of reportable participants in the past four program years.
      • 2019: 123,257
      • 2022: 136,309
    • Montana WIOA Adult Education programs have experienced a 75% increase in total Measurable Skills Gains of reportable participants in the past four program years.
      • 2019: 664
      • 2022: 1164
    • Montana WIOA Adult Education programs have experienced a 12% increase in the percentage of POPS with an MSG by reportable participants in the past four program years.
      • ​​​​​​​2019: 42%
      • 2022: 54%
    • Montana WIOA Adult Education programs have experienced an 836% increase in reportable distance education participants in the past four program years.
      • 2019: 19
      • 2022: 178
    Integration with One-stop Partners

    Integration with One-stop Partners

    Describe how the State eligible agency, as the entity responsible for meeting one-stop requirements under 34 CFR part 463, subpart J, carries out or delegates its required one-stop roles to eligible providers. Describe the applicable career services that are provided in the one-stop system. Describe how infrastructure costs are supported through State and local options.

    The Montana Adult Education State Director is a member of the State Workforce Innovation Board (SWIB) and serves on the WIOA Committee for this board.  In this capacity, the state director is directly involved in one-stop discussions and decisions at the state level.  This provides an opportunity to share the perspective of adult education in one-stop agenda topics and action items.  Following the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it brought to the workforce, SWIB meetings continue to have a virtual option which provides increased flexibility for attendees.

    The state continues to work collaboratively with the other WIOA core partners to provide one-stop services in each of our 12 Montana Association of County (MACO) Districts.  Through a variety of meetings, representatives from each core partner agency continue to utilize the WIOA Collaborative Agreement previously developed which describes the overarching one-stop mission.  The agreement covers integrating core partnerships, a proposed service delivery model, the role of the community management team, and outreach to employers.  The collaborative agreement has been sent to core partner staff working in each MACO District to guide them in delivering one-stop services.  This agreement is the foundation for future core partner meetings and discussions of services.  Also, at the beginning of the 2017-2018 program year, an initial MOU regarding the infrastructure costs was initiated, drafted, and signed by core partner agencies.  It is important to note that Montana operates under a single workforce board, and the Montana Department of Labor and Industry is the lead WIOA agency.  All WIOA partners signed the MOU regarding one-stop services.  WIOA adult education programs are not co-located but are required to pay for phone, internet, etc. as direct linkage to make sure they are available to WIOA partners and clients.  The MOU continues to be utilized, evaluated, and renewed as necessary.  The most recent renewal of this agreement was finalized in summer 2023.

    The WIOA Title II Adult Education RFP competition in spring 2022, required all eligible providers to respond to specific questions documenting how they would be responsible for meeting the one-stop requirements that the state would delegate to them.  The eligible providers were asked to provide basic, individual, and follow-up career services.  Basic services include a wide range of services from assessment to referrals to other programs and community partners.  All adult education teachers have completed activities on accessing and understanding labor market data; all teachers have a working knowledge of labor market data that will be essential for delivering career services.  In Montana’s WIOA State Plan, all core partners committed to the use of the Montana Career Information System (MCIS) to provide individualized career services. WIOA clients will set up a career portfolio that can be seamlessly transferred from one agency to another.  The portfolio includes skill inventories, specialized career path assessments, and short- and long-term employment goals that are relevant to the client’s chosen career pathway.  This statewide systemic approach will provide clients with streamlined career services with limited duplication of activities to be completed.  Regardless of the core partner that begins the individual career services, the client can be assured that all planning and information will be readily available to all agencies who are providing core partner services.  WIOA adult education providers meet with core partners such as Job Service or Vocational Rehabilitation, as well as other community partners, in their regional area multiple times throughout the program year.  Successful delivery of WIOA Title II adult education services requires continued collaboration between WIOA partners and the capability to provide one-stop responsibilities.  In spring 2023, core partner agencies began planning to facilitate WIOA Statewide Trainings during the summer/fall 2023 in order to promote better understanding, collaboration, and increased referrals between WIOA partner agencies.  These efforts will be reflected in Montana’s WIOA State Plan.


    Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE)

    Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education

    Describe how the state is using funds under Section 243 to support the following activities under the IELCE program:

    IELCE Funds and grants

    Describe when your State held a competition [the latest competition] for IELCE program funds and the number of grants awarded by your State to support IELCE programs.

    The most current WIOA Title II Adult Education RFP competition was completed during spring 2022 and three providers were awarded IELCE funding.

    Training activity

    Describe your State efforts in meeting the requirement to provide IELCE services in combination with integrated education and training activities;

    To understand the IELCE requirement and provide services under WIOA, the state was in continuous contact with the three IELCE providers.  The purpose was to assist those three local programs and English language learner (ELL) teachers in developing an understanding of how they could expand their existing efforts to provide required IELCE services.  

    The following MCIS modules are utilized with ELL students: Exploring MCIS, Student Skills Inventories and Interest Profiler, Exploring Occupations, and Researching Education and Training.  The three IELCE providers are among the largest and most successful programs in the state.  Their personnel are highly qualified and effective when working with this population of adult learners.

    The following are some 2022-2023 highlights from one of the state’s IELCE providers – Great Falls College and Career Readiness Center:

    The GFPS Career & College Readiness Center (CCRC) ESL program offers ongoing on-site appointments for career exploration in collaboration with the Great Falls Job Service and other partners. ELL students have the opportunity to explore careers, apply for jobs, create resumes and cover letters, and practice interviews.  Additionally, ELLs can engage in goal setting, student interests, occupation, college preparation, and training modules through MCIS.  The Job Service conducts Microsoft Office classes which are offered to ELL students.  Funding support for training, available to qualifying individuals, is sourced from the Department of Labor, Opportunities, Inc., Montana United Indian Association, Airman & Family Readiness Center, Rural Employment Opportunities, and Easter Seals Goodwill.

    Great Falls CCRC ESL program delivered courses virtually and in-person in 2022-2023. Both digital literacy and integrated literacy opportunities offered students insight into integrated education and training activities.  Great Falls offered and supported ELL students to utilize modules from Career and College Readiness curriculum.  Specifically, students completed over one thousand hours in two major education programs.  Burlington English offered students EL Civics, Career Specific Courses, English Grammar, and General English courses.  MindPlay and Essential Education were also provided, and these programs delivered literacy, speed reading, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension skills.  The ESL instructor provided ongoing virtual and in-person classes for the U.S. Citizenship and naturalization process.

    During the 2022-2023 program year, the ESL instructor completed regularly scheduled advisements with ELL students virtually and in-person to continue student exploration and reflection.  ESL class outings included an educational tour of The Charles M. Russell Museum followed by discussions and a writing reflection.  ELL students participated in the downtown Christmas Stroll and Parade of Lights visiting with local business owners and experiencing the livelihood of community members during the holiday season.  ELL students, families, and the instructor ate lunch at an ELL student-owned local restaurant followed by a game of bowling in our neighboring community of Black Eagle.  We were all able to practice interpersonal skills and English abilities.

    Guest speakers from the Great Falls Realtor Association presented the Montana Multicultural Fair and invited students to volunteer, organize the event, participate in discussion, display and educate about their culture, and engage in the outdoor food sample event.  The three-month planning and outcome of this event will be described in the 2023-2024 program year reflection.

    The English language classes and community exploration opportunities ensure that ELL students have practice and lessons to be the best players in college, jobs, and service to others.

    The following are some 2022-2023 highlights from one of the state’s IELCE providers – Missoula County Public School’s Academic Success Program:

    The Missoula County Public School’s (MCPS) Academic Success Program (ASP) continued to provide on-site appointments and career counseling in partnership with the Missoula Job Service.  With this partnership, ELL students can explore careers, apply for jobs, or explore any of the following MCIS modules: Exploring MCIS, Student Skills Inventories and Interest Profiler, Exploring Occupations, and Researching Education and Training. The Missoula Job Service also provides opportunities for funding if ELL students are interested in pursuing training opportunities.

    The Missoula ASP’s ELL clients in the IELCE programs have access to in-person and virtual classes.  With help from staff and volunteers from Soft Landing (SLM) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) the Missoula ASP ensured their ELL students had access to technology and distance learning options by arranging appointments to help with initial technology and device setup.  Digital literacy and computer fundamentals classes were offered to students in the program year, as a means to develop technology skills for education and employment.

    During the 2022-2023 program year, the Missoula ASP provided regular scheduling for ELL students in Student Achievement in Reading (STAR) classes.  The staff continued providing STAR assessments and evidence-based instructional strategies in their ELL classrooms and experienced success with increased student retention and outcomes.

    The MCPS ASP collaborated with Council Groves Apartments to provide on-site and virtual classes for U.S.  Citizenship in program year 2022-2023 and 16 ELLs received citizenship education and naturalization information in class.  Four of the class participants earned their U.S. citizenship in the program year.

    The Missoula ASP wrote and implemented several new IET programs in 2022-2023.  These training programs and classes helped ELL participants to earn certificates or other credentials for new or better employment opportunities.  The IET programs and classes were based on need and interest in the following careers: Healthcare (CNA, Dental, Surgical Tech, Phlebotomy, CPR/First Aid); Transportation (CDL); Business Finance (QuickBooks, Bookkeeping); Education and Social Services (Early Childhood, Childcare, Interpreter & Translator); and Carpentry & Construction.

    IELCE Section 243(c)(1)

    Describe how the State is progressing towards program goals of preparing and placing IELCE program participants in unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency as described in section 243(c)(1) and discuss any performance results, challenges, and lessons learned from implementing those program goals; and

    The certified trainer for Best Plus provided the annual BEST Plus training for the state in August 2023.  In addition, the ELL work group continues to meet monthly to collaborate and support ELL activities throughout the state.

    The following are some 2022-2023 highlights from one of the state’s IELCE providers – Great Falls College and Career Readiness Center:

    Great Falls has two approved IET programs: Commercial Driver's License (CDL) and Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA).  The Future Build program began its process in 2022-2023 and information will be available in next year’s program reflection.

    • Contextualization & Project-Based Learning
      • Students acquired knowledge and skills they can integrate into their workplace or college journey.
      • Students explored partnerships with local businesses for employment and volunteer opportunities.
      • Cultural projects presented in person using digital resources supported reading, listening, speaking, writing, and comprehension.
      • Projects integrated Communication, Communities, Comparisons, Cultures and Connections as students present their cultures, experiences, recipes, holidays, and interests.
      • Presentations promoted students to participate in independent skills that involve using English in real-life situations.
    • Student Empowerment & Technology
      • Project reflection allowed students to use and understand rubrics, collaborate, and discuss.
      • Student and teacher feedback guided students’ growth.  ELL student volunteers supported other ELL students of different languages, levels and learning styles.
      • An ELL student with an Information Technology degree developed and designed the Great Falls CCRC ESL website to promote the ESL program, partnerships and celebrate successes.
      • Career Exploration & Soft Skills allowed students to rediscover their interests as well as align their current vocational status with vocabulary that matters.
    • Naturalization/Citizenship Education
      • Community involvement and volunteering supported better understanding towards naturalization and citizenship.
      • ELL learners became active in the local community – volunteering, voting, and participating members of organizations.
      • ELLs acquired procedural information, content, and language to complete the naturalization process and pass the citizenship exam.
      • Two ELLs were recognized as new citizens at Celebration of Success for the 2022-2023 program year.

    The following are some 2022-2023 highlights from one of the state’s IELCE providers – Missoula County Public School’s Academic Success Program:

    The MCPS ASP participated in the Community Management Team (CMT) in Missoula and Ravalli counties, the Missoula Chamber of Commerce, and the Job Service Employment Council (JSEC) to stay current on the employment opportunities in the region and integrate them into the classroom as learning opportunities.  In addition, the MCPS ASP continued its MOU with the Missoula Job Service for co-located services at MCPS ASP to provide easier access to employment services for ELL students.

    During the 2022-2023 program year, the ELL advisor in the MCPS ASP attended biweekly staffing meetings with WIOA partners and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) employment to stay current on the needs of ELL clients.  Barriers to employment, civic engagement, training, and other needs were discussed and addressed at these meetings.

    Opportunities for new employment education and training partnerships were also developed, including a four-session Job Readiness Training (JRT) and a four-session Cultural Orientation (CO) co-taught by the Missoula ASP and the IRC.  The JRT and CO sessions contained relevant information about U.S. civics, services and resources, education, workplace culture, interviewing, hiring, soft skills, and job positions available for newly arrived refugees.  These sessions were hosted by the Missoula ASP and also served as a way to develop relationships with participants outside of the English classroom while building student retention and attendance.  The sessions were scheduled so that IRC staff could provide transportation and childcare, which were identified as two main barriers to adult learners participating in ESL classes.

    IELCE Section 243(c)(2)

    Describe how the State is progressing towards program goals of ensuring that IELCE program activities are integrated with the local workforce development system and its functions as described in section 243(c)(2) and discuss any performance results, challenges, and lessons learned from implementing those program goals.

    MCIS, which the ELL teachers have been trained to use with their students, provides the current Montana workforce information.  This gives the teachers updated labor market data and workforce information for the state.  The state previously contracted with a lead teacher to build an adult/ELL student checklist within the MCIS system.  Through this customization, the teachers can integrate relevant workforce activities into their instructional practices. 

    The following are some 2022-2023 highlights from one of the state’s IELCE providers – Great Falls College and Career Readiness Center:

    We are making progress at the CCRC ESL instructional frontlines.  The workforce team continues to offer opportunities to ELLs with the support of the IELCE.  As career and college opportunities are presented, students can make informed decisions as to what they want to pursue, and they have support on how to proceed.

    Workforce Partnerships

    Great Falls College-MSU

    Several ELLs participated in College Advising and FAFSA Readiness to discover, apply for, and enroll in higher education.  Two college-bound ELL students applied and were accepted to GFC-MSU during the 2022-2023 program year.  Both students continue to successfully complete general education requirements.  Community partnerships make our ELL program strong.  Our partners include but are not limited to:

    • Malmstrom Air Force Base
    • Job Service
    • Vocational Rehabilitation
    • Opportunities Inc.
    • Great Falls College
    • Alliance for Youth
    • Local Healthcare facilities
    • Great Falls Downtown Association
    • Neighborworks
    • Habitat for Humanity
    • Great Falls Business Association
    • Vineyard Church
    • HeadStart
    • Great Falls Realtors Association

    To stay updated on the job requirements and difficulties faced by students we share and support workforce partnerships, the Great Falls CCRC’s Community Connections liaison attends monthly meetings with WIOA and community partners.  We continually collaborate with these groups to grasp what employers require and incorporate these needs into the classroom and beyond as opportunities for learning.

    The tricky part is the demographics of current ELL students likely prevent full commitment of opportunities presented.  There is definitely teamwork present between IELCE offerings and the Great Falls CCRC ESL program.  The program set up is helping people learn English, improve language, explore, grow, and move all in the direction of personal goals related to integrated education and training and beyond.

    The CCRC ESL program recognizes the opportunity to offer even more specific language support including vocabulary, phonetics, pronunciation, and grammar related to workforce and everyday life.  Also, our program will continue to seek more creative partnerships to enhance our community and fulfill the specific needs of our ELL demographic.  We continue to learn and evolve as a group by reflecting on program effectiveness, reassessing and restructuring based on the desires and needs of our students and community.

    The following are some 2022-2023 highlights from one of the state’s IELCE providers – Missoula County Public School’s Academic Success Program:

    Workforce Partnerships

    Missoula County Public School’s (MCPS) Academic Success Program (ASP) continued to partner with community partners by offering an onsite collaboration with:

    • The Job Service (serves all MACO 11)
    • The International Rescue Committee (IRC)
    • Soft Landing Missoula
    • Home Resource
    • Childcare Resources
    • Missoula College
    • Sovereign Hope Church
    • Big Sky Society of Human Resource Management
    • Little Twigs Childcare
    • Council Groves Apartments

    To stay current on employment needs and challenges for shared clients. The Missoula ASP participated in monthly meetings with WIOA partners and CMT groups to understand employer needs and integrate these needs into the classroom as learning opportunities.

    Supported Workforce Training and Education

    MCPS ASP provided additional opportunities for supported training to assist numerous ELLs with building employment skills, training, certification, pre-employment advising, and college and career preparation and advancement.

    • Healthcare Training and Education - Four students received individualized instruction and training to assist with understanding the language and content needed for successful completion of health care programs including: Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA); Chairside Dental Assistant; Phlebotomy; Surgical Technician; and CPR/First Aid.
    • QuickBooks/Bookkeeping - Two students received individual support in the Missoula ASP classroom to study and complete a four-week QuickBooks certificate training.
    • Childcare - Seven ELLs received individualized pre-employment training to acquire the necessary skills and assist with understanding the content needed to earn the four required certificates for childcare employment (Together We Grow, Early Childhood Essentials, New Staff Health & Safety, Infant Safety Essentials).
    • Computer Fundamentals and Digital Literacy - Four ELLs were provided with at least two, three-hour computer fundamentals and digital literacy classes.  Skills covered included Google suites, typing, Microsoft Office, and more.
    • Home Resource Woodshop Classes - 10 ELLs participated in pre-apprenticeship classes with Home Resource staff and an on-site ELL instructor to learn the language and carpentry skills needed to apply for work in the field.
    • Missoula College Collaboration - 16 current and prospective college-bound ELL students participated in partnership activities with Missoula ASP staff and Missoula College staff.  These opportunities included a FAFSA night to assist with paperwork for financial aid.  Prospective students were also invited to the Missoula College campus to receive college information, program opportunities information, and a tour of the campus.
    • Book Club - 23 ELLs participated in a weekly book club to practice reading a variety of informational and literary texts.  The class serves as a way for students pursuing their HiSET, college, or other job training to get regular practice with reading higher-level texts and exposure to new and different vocabulary.
    Adult Education Standards

    Adult Education Standards

    If your State has adopted new challenging K-12 standards under title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, describe how your Adult Education content standards are aligned with those K-12 standards.

    The Montana Board of Public Education, upon recommendation from the Superintendent of Public Instruction, adopted the Montana Content Standards for English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics, on November 4, 2011.  These standards, along with Science standards adopted in 2016, ensure that secondary students have the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the 21st century economy.  Skills include problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, research, and the use of technology.

    In February 2015, the Adult Education (AE) Unit at the Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) adopted the College and Career Readiness (CCR) Standards for adult education.  These standards identify the essential CCR components required to be incorporated into the adult education classroom.  By adopting these standards, Montana’s adult education programs will have student expectations that are consistent with K-12 students.  Additionally, programs will have access to K-12 tools and materials that support student learning.

    Optional – Describe implementation efforts, challenges, and any lessons learned


    Programs for Corrections Education (AEFLA Section 225)

    Programs for Corrections Education (AEFLA Section 225)

    What was the relative rate of recidivism for criminal offenders served? Please describe the methods and factors used in calculating the rate for this reporting period.

    The Montana Department of Corrections (DOC) follows the Association of State Correctional Administrators (ASCA) definition of recidivism.

    Recidivism rate – the rate at which adult offenders return to prison in Montana for any reason within three years of their release from prison.  Each release can have only one corresponding return.

    Given this definition, we would need to wait three full years before we could calculate a recidivism rate.  With a 6/30/2023 end date, a recidivism rate for this group of participants would not be available until sometime after 6/30/2026.

    Some general statistics provided by our WIOA adult education corrections program housed at the Montana State Prison/Montana Women’s Prison:

    • 45% of all Montana DOC inmates do not have a verifiable high school education (2022-2023 program year).
    • 67% of students entering DOC adult education programs in the 2022-2023 program year tested at less than a 4th-grade reading level.

    The most current recidivism rates available via the Montana Department of Corrections 2023 Biennial Report (most current report available):

    • 2015 – Male Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 38.6%
      • Violation – 27.6%
      • New Crime – 11.0%
    • 2015 – Female Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 25.0%
      • Violation – 17.7%
      • New Crime – 7.3%
    • 2016 – Male Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 38.0%
      • Violation – 25.7%
      • New Crime – 12.3%
    • 2016 – Female Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 27.9%
      • Violation – 19.5%
      • New Crime – 8.4%
    • 2017 – Male Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 39.1%
      • Violation – 25.5%
      • New Crime – 13.6%
    • 2017 – Female Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 32.3%
      • Violation – 21.9%
      • New Crime – 10.3%
    • 2018 – Male Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 38.8%
      • Violation – 25.3%
      • New Crime – 13.5%
    • 2018 – Female Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 31.5%
      • Violation – 19.7%
      • New Crime – 11.8%
    • 2019 – Male Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 37.6%
      • Violation – 24.2%
      • New Crime – 13.4%
    • 2019 – Female Three-Year Prison Recidivism Rate
      • Total Recidivism Rate – 31.6%
      • Violation – 19.8%
      • New Crime – 11.9%

    Montana DOC has transitioned some services and staff to make education more equitable for all.  They are working closely with the Department of Labor and Industry and other workforce stakeholders to bring more IET pre-apprenticeship programs and career readiness programs to all correctional facilities in Montana, as well as working closely with Job Service and employers.  In addition, Montana State Prison and Montana Women’s Prison are Second Chance Pell sites.  They are now completing the pilot stage of Second Chance Pell and have fully implemented it in partnership with the Montana University System.  Four Montana universities are working with three adult correctional facilities.  They plan to build on the successes of the pilot program and work with the United States Department of Education to continue with Prison Education Programs for post-secondary education and industry-recognized workplace certificate programs in our correctional facilities.  Finally, additional career readiness programs such as The Last Mile coding program and Accelerate Montana have been implemented in order to increase opportunities to obtain industry-recognized career skills.