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Narrative Report for Michigan 2021

Section 1

State Leadership Funds (Adult education and family literacy act Section 223 (AEFLA))

Describe how the State has used funds made available under section 223 (State Leadership activities) for each the following:

AEFLA Section 223(1)(a)

Alignment of adult education and literacy activities with other one-stop required partners to implement the strategies in the Unified or Combined State Plan as described in section 223(1)(a)

The State of Michigan has uniquely positioned itself to align all of the WIOA core partners within the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO), Office of Employment and Training (E&T). LEO was created to bring together the labor, economic development, workforce and housing functions of state government to expand opportunity and prosperity. E&T is one of 16 sub-agencies within the department and houses Workforce Development (WD), Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS) and the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons (BSBP). LEO-E&T provides oversight and administration of all four titles under the WIOA in Michigan.  This structure ensures the WIOA core programs have the same strategic plan, vision and mission, as well as leadership support for strong collaboration. E&T has continued to work diligently to increase collaboration at both the state and local levels among core program partners.

An example of this collaboration was the invitation for the Adult Education State Director and Adult Education Manager to present on Adult Education to the MRS Leadership Council. Strengthening the partnership between adult education and MRS has been identified as a priority within E&T and also at the local level. While the initial presentation was a high-level overview of adult education services, eligibility, providers, and performance, the presentation raised questions and discussion on serving adults with disabilities, data collection at intake, and opportunities for referrals. Discussions on these topics have continued between the state offices and also the Michigan Adult, Community, and Alternative Education (MACAE) Association. In addition to these continued meetings at the state level, MRS presented at the 2022 Michigan Adult Education and Training Conference (MAETC) and also at the 2022 MACAE Fall Conference on MRS services, eligibility, referrals, and intake process.

LEO-E&T hosts a series of “Technical Assistance Tuesdays” webinars that provide hour-long training sessions to introduce specific programs or functions within LEO-E&T. These webinars are available to all Michigan Works! Agency and internal staff who want a refresher on our programs or just want to get back to the basics. In August, the Office of Adult Education was highlighted for Back-to-School month and the Technical Assistance Tuesdays featured Adult Education 101. The Office of Adult Education also had an opportunity to showcase adult education services during the LEO Townhall that month for all employees in the department.

The Office of Adult Education leveraged the 2022 MAETC to share information and updates on pertinent state programs and initiatives with adult education administrators, teachers and staff. The MAETC Call for Presenters was sent to all E&T staff, as well as other state departments and agencies. This resulted in a number of quality sessions from other state offices, including:

  • Apprenticeship Opportunities (presented by LEO-WD, Statewide Apprenticeship Expansion)
  • How Michigan Reconnect Can Support Your Adult Education Goals (presented by LEO, Office of Sixty by 30)
  • The VR Force Awakens (presented by MRS)
  • Licensed to Work – Credential Transparency in Career Pathways (presented by LEO-WD, Industry Engagement)
  • Accommodations in Computer Systems (presented by MRS, Business Network Division)
  • Supporting Effective Transitions and Employment Opportunities for Adult ESL Learners with International Qualifications (presented by LEO, Office of Global Michigan)
  • Michigan Department of Corrections Vocational Village Programs (presented by MDOC)
  • Pathfinder & Adult Education: A Tool for All Students (presented by LEO-E&T)

During PY 2021, LEO-WD used State Leadership funds to support alignment of the core partners under WIOA and networking opportunities through shared professional development. LEO-WD partnered with MACAE to offer a discounted rate to attend the MACAE Fall Conference, Partners for Progress, for Michigan Works! and MRS staff.

The Office of Adult Education was invited to present to multiple state offices and partners during PY 2021 to raise awareness of adult education services, including:

  • Women’s Commission, Fostering Access, Rights and Equity (FARE) Navigators
  • Oakland Schools, Special Education Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
  • Michigan Works! Association, Business Service Professionals Training

On an ongoing basis, Office of Adult Education staff attend regional and/or local meetings that bring together adult education providers, and can include MWAs and other core partners, to discuss ways to improve service provision and/or additional opportunities for collaboration. These meetings are convened by the locals and the role of the Adult Education staff is to provide relevant information, as appropriate, to assist with the discussions. As a result of being present for these discussions, Adult Education staff are able to share promising practices and/or innovative solutions with other areas of the state facing similar challenges.

AEFLA Section 223(1)(b)

Establishment or operation of a high-quality professional development programs as described in section 223(1)(b)

Professional Development Survey

In Fall of 2021, the Office of Adult Education, in partnership with EDSI, the state’s professional development contractor, launched the annual professional development survey. The survey was developed to gather data from local administrators and teachers on professional development needs, gaps and challenges, and preferences for communication.

Eighty-three (83) respondents from 60 adult education programs statewide, representing programs in all 10 adult education learning regions, responded to the 17-question survey. EDSI compiled the results of the survey and shared them with the Office of Adult Education at a staff meeting in January 2022, and to local fiscal agents and providers at the Transitions Workgroup Meeting in January 2022.

The results of the survey were used to drive the development of a Marketing and Communications plan to:

  1. Increase communication about Michigan adult education professional development.
  2. Build relationships to increase dialogue on professional development needs.
  3. Create opportunities that best support state priorities and reflect current trends in adult education.


Keywe, the Office of Adult Education’s learning management system, is powered by Canvas and officially launched to the field January 1, 2021. Using the catalog feature, a hub for professional development was created. Users wishing to register for professional development requested access and then could browse the catalog and self-register for both blended cohort offerings as well as completely self-paced offerings.

As of June 30, 2022, there were a total of 275 unique users and 512 enrollments within the LMS, an increase of 60% over the last program year. A total of 115 badges were awarded during PY 2021, an increase of 130% over the last program year. Out of the 217 enrollments in State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECH) eligible courses, 72 completed coursework, and 46 submitted for SCECH (not all those who completed coursework submitted for SCECH).

The Office of Adult Education and EDSI continue to look for opportunities to promote Keywe and the courses available. In PY 2021, EDSI shared an overview of Keywe and the course offerings at the Region 10 Adult Education Directors meeting on February 9, 2022; State of Adult Education virtual meeting on February 16, 2022; and the Region 8 Adult Education Providers meeting on March 7, 2022.

Four new courses were launched in Keywe during PY 2021:

  1. New Instructor Training Module 1: Orientation - This self-paced course was launched in Keywe in September 2021. A total of 28 individuals enrolled in the course as of June 30, 2022.
  2. Career Navigator Series (7-10) - These self-paced courses were launched in Keywe starting in July 2021, with one course launching each month thereafter. A total of 29 individuals enrolled in these courses as of June 30, 2022.
  3. Technology Tools for the Classroom - This self-paced course was launched in Keywe in September 2021. A total of 8 individuals enrolled in the course as of June 30, 2022.
  4. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Adult Education - This self-paced course was launched in Keywe in September 2021. A total of 8 individuals enrolled in the course as of June 30, 2022.

In addition to the new courses, the following ongoing courses were available in Keywe during PY 2021:

  • Career Navigator Series (1-6) - A total of 76 individuals enrolled in these courses as of June 30, 2022.
  • College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) Courses - A total of 22 individuals enrolled in these courses as of June 30, 2022.
  • Project IDEAL Courses - A total of 38 individuals enrolled in these three courses as of June 30, 2022.
  • 30-Minute Reboot Series - A total of 31 individuals enrolled in the course as of June 30, 2022.

2022 Michigan Adult Education and Training Conference (MAETC)

On May 4-6, 2022, the Office of Adult Education held the MAETC in person for the first time since 2019. The theme for the conference was “Moving Forward Together.” The conference was attended by 215 attendees and provided 48 breakout sessions, including opportunities for adult educators to meet statewide and within adult learning regions, to network, brainstorm and showcase best practices. Stephanie Beckhorn, Director LEO-E&T, welcomed attendees to the conference and spoke about adult education’s role in the department and its pivotal role in preparing Michiganders for education and training to secure family sustaining careers.


The Office of Adult Education continued support of the MACAE Virtual Spring Institute and 2022 MACAE Fall Conference by sponsoring and/or offering sessions.

AEFLA Section 223(1)(c)

Provision of technical assistance to funded eligible providers as described in section 223(1)(c)

The Office of Adult Education staff are organized by region and there is a WIOA Regional Coordinator assigned to each of the 10 regions of the state. The regional coordinators provide on-going technical assistance to each region by responding to emails and phone calls regularly. The regional coordinators also attend regional meetings to better understand the current challenges and activities locally, and address any questions raised by the providers at those meetings.

The Office of Adult Education hosted quarterly State of Adult Education virtual meetings using Microsoft Teams that were open to all local adult education administrators and staff.  These meetings were used to provide updates on programs and new initiatives, policy, MAERS changes, professional development offerings, and year-to-date performance totals. These meetings were well attended with around 100 attendees on average. The meetings were recorded and housed on Keywe for those not able to participate in the meetings live.

The Office of Adult Education also hosted monthly New Directors virtual meetings. While these meetings were developed specifically for new directors, they were open to experienced directors or staff that want a refresher. Each meeting focused on a different requirement, procedure or policy, including but not limited to budgets and allowable costs, an overview of MAERS, assessment policy, participant orientation, participant persistence, and end of year reporting. The sessions were recorded and made available on Keywe. Attendance at the live sessions was between 10-15 at each session.

The Office of Adult Education has a MAERS Team made up of 3 staff – the Adult Education Manager, a WIOA Regional Coordinator, and the MAERS Data Specialist. The MAERS Team is available to attend regional provider meetings and offer MAERS training or answer any questions regarding data entry, reports, and data analysis. During PY 2021, the MAERS Team attended 10 regional provider meetings, which represented 4 of the 10 regions. In addition to the regional meetings, the MAERS Team provided one-on-one MAERS training for 13 providers that had new data entry staff or requested specific training on MAERS reports.

The Adult Education manager continues to meet regularly with the executive director of the Michigan Association of Community and Adult Education (MACAE) to discuss the challenges reported by the MACAE membership and ensure consistent guidance and recommendations from the state office and association. In addition, the Office of Adult Education manager and the executive director of MACAE hosted “Coffee Conversations” during the program year. These Coffee Conversations began during the pandemic as a way to meet individually with local programs to gain a better understand of the varying challenges and concerns. We have continued these Coffee Conversations because they have been valuable to stay connected to local programs, but the focus of these meetings has shifted to share bright spots and successes. These 30-minute meetings have been beneficial for all parties to keep a pulse on what is happening across the state, share resources, and identify additional guidance needed.

The Office of Adult Education communicates regularly with local administrators and staff through a monthly newsletter, as well as using GovDelivery to send important announcements and reminders. GovDelivery allows LEO-WD to track message open and click rates, and this information is analyzed monthly with LEO-E&T Communications to continuously evaluate and improve communication strategies. The Office of Adult Education staff also works with the LEO-E&T Communications team to ensure our website is kept up to date with latest policies, guidance, resources and announcements.

AEFLA Section 223(1)(d)

Monitoring and evaluation of the quality and improvement of adult education activities as described in section 223(1)(d)

Michigan uses a multi-faceted, team approach to its monitoring and evaluation activities. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, grant activities, allowable costs, data collection, data reporting, and data quality. Michigan monitors 100% of its grantees via a desk review.

On a regular basis, the Fiscal Analyst runs reports that track budgetary activities in the Next Generation Grant, Application, and Cash Management System (NexSys) to ensure grantees are complying with federal and state fiscal regulations and policies. Concerns or instances of non-compliance are discussed with program staff and follow-up action is taken to address any concerns or non-compliance with providers.

In addition, MAERS reports containing provider enrollment and performance information are also run on a regular basis and reviewed by the MAERS team and Adult Education staff. Any concerns or instances of non-compliance are discussed internally, and follow-up action is taken, as necessary and appropriate, to address concerns or non-compliance with providers.

The Office of Adult Education staff also review grantee narratives, modification requests, and final narrative reports to ensure grantee compliance with federal laws, regulations, and guidance, and state policy.  Again, any concerns or instances of non-compliance are addressed with providers.

Onsite monitoring and evaluation visits are intended to complement the desk reviews and also provide an opportunity for state staff to provide targeted technical assistance. LEO-WD is resuming onsite monitoring during PY 2022.

AEFLA Section 223(a)(2)

As applicable, describe how the State has used funds for additional permissible activities described in section 223(a)(2)


LEO-WD utilized State Leadership funds to improve and upgrade the Michigan Adult Education Reporting System (MAERS). The significant updates completed in PY 2021 were:

  • Addition of a Training Activities module to better collect and report data on the training component of an IET program.
  • Updated the Achievements module to collect and report the additional MSG options for participants in an IET program or workplace literacy.
  • Created distance learning filters for multiple performance and program management reports. Previously, the distance learning filter would only provide data for participants based on the NRS definition of a distance learner. Now the user can enter any percentage or range, which has been valuable to determine how differing percentages of distance learning instruction impacts participant performance.

Learn More, Earn More

In the Spring of 2019, WD launched the Learn More, Earn More outreach campaign to raise general awareness of the adult education programs and services available and increase enrollment statewide. The initial phase resulted in the development of Learn More, Earn More posters and three fact sheets – a general adult education, an ESL, and a high school equivalency fact sheet. The posters and fact sheets are also available in Spanish and Arabic, the two primary languages spoken by immigrants and refugees in Michigan. The Office of Adult Education continues to work closely with the E&T Communications and Outreach team to promote Learn More, Earn More on social media, including Facebook and Twitter.

ANI 2.0

A team from Michigan was chosen to participate in the Adult Numeracy Instruction (ANI) professional development materials field test with WestEd from November 2021- April 2022. Nine mathematics instructors participated in the six-month field test. The fundamental purpose of the field test was to examine the feasibility of having all adult educators use the new model successfully. Field test participants’ feedback and WestEd’s data efforts throughout were used to refine the ANI 2.0 training prior to broader national dissemination through the LINCS technical assistance and professional development system.

Staff Training

State Leadership funds were used to support professional learning experiences for Office of Adult Education staff.  In PY 2021, state staff attended national conferences including COABE, CASAS, and BruMan Spring Forum. Additionally, LEO-WD is a member of the National Association of State Directors of Adult Education (NASDAE) and attends the NASDAE Policy meetings.

Section 2

Performance Data Analysis

Describe how the adult education program performed in the overall assessment of core programs based on the core indicators of performance. Discuss how the assessment was used to improve quality and effectiveness of the funded eligible providers and any plans to further increase performance in future reporting years.

The adult education programs in Michigan showed signs of rebounding from the pandemic in PY 2021. Both enrollment (1+ hour of instruction) and participant counts increased by just over 20%, but are still about three thousand below pre-pandemic levels. The number of ESL participants increased by 41%, while ABE/ASE participants increased by 13% over the year.

The participant barriers data collection has improved significantly in recent years since this section was updated on the Adult Learning Plan (ALP) in PY 2020. The participant barriers section now includes questions for participants that define each barrier. Adult education providers have shared that these questions have been very helpful for both staff and participants. Since PY 2019, the number of participant barriers reported has more than doubled. In PY 2021, the most prevalent barriers for adult education participants were Low Income (47%), Long-Term Unemployed (28%), Individuals with Disabilities (20%), Ex-Offenders (17%), and Single Parent (13%).

The decline in correctional education programming continues to impact statewide enrollment and performance. While the number of participants in correctional education programs increased over the year from 3,384 to 4,685, this is still significantly below the pre-pandemic level of 7,002. The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) enrollment increased by 26.5%, but the MSG rate continues to be well below the statewide average at 27%.

As such, the statewide MSG rate continues to be below pre-pandemic levels. Adult education providers in Michigan had outperformed the statewide MSG targets in PY 2017 and PY 2018, with more than 50% of participants reporting a measurable skill gain, but that percentage dropped drastically to 35.95% in PY 2019. For the second straight year, the MSG rate has increased slightly and was 38.22% in PY 2021. Over the year, there was a significant increase in both educational gains from pre/post-testing and high school equivalency attainments at 26% and 39%, respectively.

Adult education participants in Michigan also had success obtaining employment after exit from the program. Michigan met or exceeded the target for Employment 2nd Quarter After Exit, Employment 4th Quarter After Exit, and Median Earnings.

The statewide average for Credential Attainment fell shy of the target with 31% achieving that outcome measure. The percentage of participants that earned a diploma or its recognized equivalent and transitioned to postsecondary within a year was only 4%, while the percentage that attained a diploma or equivalent and are employed within one year was just over 30%. With the launch of the Futures for Frontliners and Reconnect scholarship programs in Michigan, we hope to see the percentage that continue onto postsecondary education increase.  LEO-WD is also working to implement data match with community college records to improve the collection and reporting of this data.

The number of distance learners declined by 21% over the year, as most providers were able to offer instruction in-person. Similarly, the MSG rate for distance learners declined over the year and fell below the statewide average for all learners. This aligns with what the state office heard anecdotally from many directors and teachers – that their distance learning participants were not making the gains that their participants attending in-person were making. Providers noticed that distance learners were not putting in the hours needed to make gains. While most providers had intended to continue offering virtual learning options based on lessons learned during the pandemic, the latest trends were forcing more providers to put more emphasis on face-to-face instruction. To support the evaluation of these trends, MAERS now allows users to run performance reports based on a range for the percentage of distance learning hours of total attendance hours. For example, the Office of Adult Education recently did an analysis of enrollments and performance of distance learning hours in increments of 25%. The highest number of learners had between 76-100% of attendance hours from distance learning, while participants with between 1-25% of distance learning attendance hours had the highest MSG rate. Participants with between 50% or less distance learning attendance hours had a higher MSG rate than the statewide average, but those with more than 50% reported gains below the statewide average. The Office of Adult Education shared this data with local providers and encouraged them to do a similar analysis to guide program improvement going forward.

Section 3

Integration with One-stop Partners

Describe how the State eligible agency, as the entity responsible for meeting one-stop requirements under 34 CFR part 463, subpart J, carries out or delegates its required one-stop roles to eligible providers. Describe the applicable career services that are provided in the one-stop system. Describe how infrastructure costs are supported through State and local options.

LEO-WD has chosen to delegate its responsibility for meeting the one-stop requirements under 34 CFR Part 463, Subpart J to eligible providers via the competitive grant process. Information outlining the responsibilities was included in the Requests for Applications (RFAs) issued by LEO-WD in the Spring of 2020.

The career services outlined at 34 CFR 463.425 and 34 CFR 463.430 are provided through Michigan’s one-stop system via the required and optional one-stop partners, as appropriate. All adult education participants in the state received the following career services from the delegated AEFLA providers – intake, orientation, and assessment of skill levels. Adult education providers were encouraged to partner with the local MWA to offer supportive services or referrals to the appropriate agency for these services if needed. Some providers have existing partnerships within the community to offer these services directly to participants. Many adult education providers have partnered with the local MWA to provide an overview during the adult education orientation of the MWA and services available, and individuals are co-enrolled in the core programs under the WIOA if and when appropriate.

Infrastructure cost contributions to support the one-stop system for PY 2021 were all determined via the local funding option by the federally prescribed deadline. This option used a consistent methodology across the state. The agreed upon contributions are outlined in the executed IFAs and associated documents submitted to the State. It is important to note that there continue to be challenges related to the infrastructure costs and rising costs in some regions - generally rural areas with limited number of partners - that can make it cost prohibitive to be co-located in the one-stop.

Section 4

Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education

Describe how the state is using funds under Section 243 to support the following activities under the IELCE program:

IELCE Funds and grants

Describe when your State held a competition [the latest competition] for IELCE program funds and the number of grants awarded by your State to support IELCE programs.

Michigan most recently held a competition for IELCE program funds in the Spring of 2020. A total of 16 IELCE applications were approved for funding. The number of IELCE providers in this grant cycle doubles the number funded in the previous grant cycle. While the majority of the IELCE providers in Michigan are in Southeast Michigan and West Michigan, there are now IELCE providers in 5 of the 10 regions of the state.

Training activity

Describe your State efforts in meeting the requirement to provide IELCE services in combination with integrated education and training activities;

LEO-WD requires all IELCE recipients to complete the IET Plan of Operation annually for each IET program offered.  The IET Plan of Operation is based on OCTAE’s IET Checklist and is required to ensure that all of the program requirements are being met. The information collected via the plans is extremely helpful to understand how the program is being offered and informs Office of Adult Education staff about the areas where additional guidance is needed. 

The IELCE providers funded in Michigan meet the requirement to provide IELCE services in combination with integrated education and training (IET) in multiple ways. Two of the recipients are training providers so are able to offer all of the services under one roof.  Three providers have established partnerships with local training providers and/or local employers to develop and offer IET to participants. About half of the providers partner with Michigan Works! in the development of the IET program.

The number of IELCE participants enrolled in IET remained steady at 133 in PY 2021. LEO-WD will continue to work with providers to explore ways to increase enrollment in IET programs.  

IELCE Section 243(c)(1)

Describe how the State is progressing towards program goals of preparing and placing IELCE program participants in unsubsidized employment in in-demand industries and occupations that lead to economic self-sufficiency as described in section 243(c)(1) and discuss any performance results, challenges, and lessons learned from implementing those program goals; and

The IELCE providers in Michigan are dedicated to preparing English language learners for in-demand job opportunities. Training programs were offered in a wide variety of occupations or industries in PY 2021, including certified nursing assistant (CNA), industrial sewing, certified production technician, CompTIA A+, pharmacy technician, forklift training, child development associate, culinary, medical interpreting, and school paraprofessional.

LEO-WD has continued to promote collaboration and partnership between adult education providers, Michigan Works! and local employers to ensure participants are exiting adult education classes with the skills and competencies employers are requiring. LEO-WD has dedicated Title I discretionary funding to continue to support the development of IET programs.

Overall, progress continues to be made and IELCE participants report higher performance than the statewide average for all participants. As shown on NRS Table 9, the measurable skills gain rate for IELCE participants was 52.2%, compared to 38.22% overall. However, the employment outcomes were slightly below the statewide average for all participants.

IELCE Section 243(c)(2)

Describe how the State is progressing towards program goals of ensuring that IELCE program activities are integrated with the local workforce development system and its functions as described in section 243(c)(2) and discuss any performance results, challenges, and lessons learned from implementing those program goals.

There has been continued progress with ensuring that IELCE program activities are integrated with the local workforce system. LEO-WD has dedicated Title I discretionary funding to support the development of IET programs and further the collaboration between the MWAs and adult education providers.

There have been challenges partnering with Michigan Works!, specifically partnering in the delivery of services. In general, many IELCE providers reported a strong partnership with Michigan Works! and regular communication and meetings between the agencies. The partnership has been valuable in identifying the training options and in-demand occupations for IET opportunities, as well as assisting with recruitment of students.

Section 5

Adult Education Standards

If your State has adopted new challenging K-12 standards under title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, describe how your Adult Education content standards are aligned with those K-12 standards.

The State of Michigan has not adopted new K-12 standards recently. Michigan adopted the College and Career Readiness (CCRS) standards for Adult Education, and LEO-WD continues to offer professional development each year for teachers and administrators to implement and improve standards-based lesson planning and instruction.

Section 6

Programs for Corrections Education (AEFLA Section 225)

What was the relative rate of recidivism for criminal offenders served? Please describe the methods and factors used in calculating the rate for this reporting period.

In PY 2021, there were 30 adult education providers in Michigan that were approved for Institutional funding, including the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC); one federal prison - Milan Area Schools; and 27 school districts and 1 Michigan Works! Agency that provide services in county jails across the state. About a quarter of the providers were not able to enter the facilities to offer programming. For those that were allowed in the jails, there were additional restrictions on how services can be delivered, interruptions in the delivery of services due to quarantines and COVID-19 outbreaks, and a lack of access to technology and resources.

The data that is collected and available at the institutions on recidivism varies widely, as does the relationship between the school districts and each of the county jails. Of the recipients that operated in PY 2021, the majority reported not having any data related to recidivism currently available due to a lack of access to data or ability to determine whether an individual was housed at another facility. Other challenges shared were that the jail houses inmates from other areas of the state that are overcrowded, so it is difficult to track those individuals after their release, and areas of the state that border other states do not have a way to share data across states.

The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC), which served almost 80% of the institutional participants in PY 2021, reported a recidivism rate of 23.6%. This rate captures the percentage of men and women that return to prison within three years of being released of all inmates released.