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Table FSR 2: Final Report - Total Allocation

Final Report – Total Allocation
FY 2006

U.S. Department of Education
Division of Adult Education and Literacy


Delaware Department of Education

401 Federal Street Townsend Building Suite 2
Dover, DE 19901




From: 07/01/2006 To: 12/31/2008 From: 07/01/2006 To: 12/31/2007
Program of Instruction
10. Programs/Functions/Activities(a) State Administration(b) State Leadership(c) Programs of Instruction (0-8)(d) Programs of Instruction (9-12)(e) Institutionalized Persons(f) Total
a. Net outlays previously reported168295176398159789621789502160484
b. Total outlays this report period6210114604599127816990757531
c. Program income000000
d. Net outlays this report period(Line b)6210114604599127816990757531
e. Net outlays to date(Line a plus line d)230396191002219702329959402918015
f. Less: Non-Federal share of outlays1679950107657814680601391379
g. Total Federal share of outlays(Line e minus line f)62401191002112044515278801526636
h. Total unliquidated obligations000000
i. Less: Non-Federal share of unliquidated obligations shown on line h000000
j. Federal share of unliquidated obligations000000
k. Total Federal share of outlays and unliquidated obligations(Line g plus line j)62401191002112044515278801526636
l. Total cumulative amount of Federal funds authorized62401191002112166015295401528017
m. Unobligated balance of Federal funds(Line l minus line k)00121516601381
11. Indirect Expensea. Type of Rateb. Rate(%)c. Basee. Total Amountf. Federal Income

12. Remarks: Attach any explanations deemed necessary or information required by Federal sponsoring agency in compliance with governing legislation:

13. Certification: By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate, and the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and intent set forth in the award documents. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001)

a. Name and Title of Authorized Certifying Official

b. Signature of Authorized Certifying Official

e. Date Report Submitted (mm/dd/yyyy)

14. Agency use only:

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