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Federal Financial Report

FY 2016

U.S. Department of Education
Division of Adult Education and Literacy


California Department of Education, Fiscal Accounting

1430 N Street, Suite 2213
Sacramento, CA 95814



Project 35 thru 44 LOC1004


From: 07/01/2016 To: 09/30/2017 From: 07/01/2016 To: 09/30/2018
10. Transactions(a) State Administration(b) State Leadership(c) Programs of Instruction ABE levels 1-4 and ESL levels 1-6(d) Programs of Instruction ABE levels 5-6(e) Training(f) Total
Federal Cash:
a. Cash Receipts2904985584704858865838.1924624168.81155798692242040
b. Cash Disbursements2904985584704858865838.1924624168.81092242040
c. Cash on Hand (line a minus line b)000015579860
Federal Expenditures and Unobligated Balance:
d. Total Federal funds authorized92242040.00
e. Federal share of expenditures
Basic Grant2352307507923746226118.1924624168.81155798678281831
Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (Sec 243)132048912639720013960209
Corrections Education (Sec. 225)4412033.191982217.811055546394251
One-Stop Infrastructure Costs (Local Option)103440103440
One-Stop Infrastructure Costs (State Option)00
f. Federal share of unliquidated obligations000000
g. Total Federal share3672796507923758865838.1924624168.81155798692242040
h. Unobligated balance of Federal funds (line d minus g)0
Recipient Share:
i. Total recipient share required (i.e. Maintenance of Effort)00360482780640837080424566488
j. Recipient share of expenditures003528283231343536470487181970
One-Stop Infrastructure Costs0470030470030
Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (Sec 243)00000
Corrections Education (Sec. 225)00105367693473391090152706802
k. Remaining recipient share to be provided (line i minus j)007654457-702699390-62615482
Program Income:
l. Total program income earned580018474024274
m. Program income expended898518474027459
n. Unexpended program income (line l minus line m)00-318500-3185
11. Indirect Expensea. Typeb. Ratec. Period FromPeriod Tod. Basee. Amount Chargedf. Federal Share
Restricted Provisional0.24307/01/201606/30/20172550888.75590882.97590882.97
Restricted Provisional0.24307/01/201706/30/20186870.6547.88547.88
g. Totals:2557759.35591430.85591430.85

13. Certification: By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate, and the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and intent set forth in the award documents. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001)

a. Name and Title of Authorized Certifying Official

b. Signature of Authorized Certifying Official


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