State Leadership Funds (Adult education and family literacy act Section 223 (AEFLA))
AEFLA Section 223(1)(a)
The American Samoa Community College receives grant funding from the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) grant to provide educational and literacy programs within the Territory of American Samoa. Grant funds are utilized for programs as indicated by law. The AEFL program in American Samoa is 100% federally funded.
The target population for the Adult Education and Literacy Programs are adults with none or minimal formal education, adults who have limited English proficiency. Students are required to be at least 16 years of age, and have not received a high school diploma.
There is a continued overwhelming need to provide and expand adult education and literacy programs in American Samoa. The goals of Adult Education programs are indicated in the American Samoa Unified State Plan. To assist illiteracy among adults with formal learning. Literacy programs are offered to the community through faith-based organizations, workplace partners with Adult Education Literacy and Extended Learning (AELEL) with the partnership support of the American Samoa Community College. Instructors continue to conduct workshops emphasizing the teaching of English Literacy and/or Basic Math skills; courses in addition to Basic Life Skills essential to all interested adult learners.
AEFLA Section 223(1)(b)
Secondary education is addressed through the General Education development program which previously included the GED testing curriculum, but currently implements the HiSet curriculum. The local Department of Education has approved the HiSet test as a high school equivalency credential in the territory of American Samoa Curriculum. Preparatory classes are held at the American Samoa Community College campus through the Adult Education Literacy and Extended Learning (AELEL) department. This department is temporarily located in the MPC Building on the second floor. The exam will earn credential for future needs with the High School Equivalency Test. The AELEL department will assist with test cost, upon HiSet test referral through successful completion of classes of all subject areas of HiSet curriculum.
HiSet participants who have successfully completed the high school equivalency exam are advised to join the American Samoa Community College with the various educational programs offered on campus.
AEFLA Section 223(1)(c)
The ASCC organizational chart shows that the AELEL program is now under the Vice President of Academic, Community, and Student Affairs. The latest change of the organizational chart was approved and signed in May 2022. In addition, the AELEL division is temporarily housed in the Multi-Purpose Center (MPC) of the ASCC campus. This move took place in December 2022, which includes four classrooms, director's office, and a computer lab area for students. There has been much improvement with resource materials for faculty and students. The college is currently in the process of improving the building which originally housed all the offices of the AELEL division earlier this year. In addition, ASCC has continuously shown positive support to maintain learning facilities for our students in their educational endeavors.
AEFLA Section 223(1)(d)
The evaluation of the program is based on measurable objectives and indicators as appeared in the Adult Education Plan within the American Samoa State Combined Plan. The number of classes held, annual population count of participants, program reports, and the number of HiSet participants successfully passing the test for the high school equivalency diplomas, the intended use of CASAS data, and TOPSpro use in the future will continue to improve this area.
AEFLA Section 223(a)(2)
AELEL continue to collaborate with its WIOA core partners like the Workforce Training Division of the Department of Human Resources and the Office of Vocational and Rehabilitation in sharing cost of a one-stop center as required by law. AELEL will fund one employee to work as an administrative assistant at the center to assist in registering and processing individuals who need educational assistant that will lead to a high school diploma equivalency, post-secondary education/training, and/or a career pathway that would lead to a successful paying job. Our WIOA core partners are in continuous collaboration with USDOL and Guam.
Professional developments are required for all adjunct faculty that teach for workplace and community literacy programs. Providing high quality professional development for the AELEL staff, will provide technical assistance to eligible providers in the development and dissemination of best practices in instructional delivery and program practices based on the most rigorous or scientifically valid research available and appropriate, in reading, writing, speaking, mathematics, English language acquisition programs, distance education, and staff training. Assistance in the role of eligible providers as a one-stop center and the use of technology for training and improvement is ongoing and updated. AELEL will continue monitoring and evaluating the quality of, and the improvement in, adult education and literacy activities such as support for literacy centers, development and implementation of instructional technology, developing curricula pertaining to adult learners, and developing models that integrate education and training and career pathways.
AELEL continues its partnership with the American Samoa Government with the Department of Education and the Department of Human Resources. Another partnership includes Teen Challenge American Samoa which is a community program dedicated to rehabilitation for individuals mainly with children and teens with substance abuse addictions and the many other risk factors involved. The purpose of this program is to reach people who have life-controlling problems and initiate the counseling process in regards to faith-based teachings to connect family, relationships, and the community. Teen Challenge endeavors to help people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physical and spiritually alive.
AELEL continues to partner with the Tafuna Correctional Facility Program. The TCF is under the jurisdiction of the American Samoa Department of Public Safety. The empowerment of workplace literacy and juvenile young adults are referred for basic educational services are some of the services that are provided by AELEL. This is part of our efforts in trying to engage the local government, which is the institution with the highest employment on island, to offer literacy program to assist their employees in improving their basic life skills and literacy in English and Mathematics. We were able to offer English as a Second Language course with a completion rate of 75% or better.
The Adult Education Literacy and Extended Learning Division of the American Samoa Community College in partnership with a faith-based organization in offering basic literacy programs at the Tafuna Correctional Facility (TCF). In addition, we implemented an Adult Basic Math course at the site in June of 2021. We hope to continue offering courses at the facility with the approval by the newly appointed Public Safety Commissioner and the availability of space on site to hold these courses.
AELEL currently employed 4 full time instructors to carry the full 20 courses offered under our schedule. These courses include 5 GED/HiSet preparatory, 5 Pre-GED/HiSet courses, 6 ESL courses, and 4 ABE Math courses. We also have adjunct faculties of 2 that are employed part time status to assist with programs offered at the TCF and the community. Quarterly training for local providers with a recent one-day virtual training provided by the State Office. The one-day training occurred in March 2022 with 100 % attendance of local providers. Additional training will be provided if the local provider identifies a specific area for training. The following information includes additional State Office improvement.
- Content area (e.g. Data Foundation and Structure, Staff Development) and specific standard not met.
- Data Foundation and Structure-
- Establishment of State Data System
- Data Collection and verification:
- State Office Understaff
- Data Analysis and Reporting
- Timely offering of Technical Assistance to Local Programs
- Staff Development:
- NRS Training
- Data Foundation and Structure-
- Description of planned approach to implementing changes that will allow standards to be met.
- Data Foundation and Structure-
- State Office works closely with MIS to ensure access and security of Adult Education Data
- Data Collection and verification
- Currently, the administrative assistant is tasked with additional responsibilities as a data clerk. The State Office recommends hiring a full-time data clerk.
- Data Analysis and Reporting
- Designate staff at State Office to monitor local program issues on a daily basis
- Staff Development –
- State Director and all local Program Directors must undergo the latest NRS training/professional development to ensure compliance with NRS standards, policies and guidelines
- All State Staff must undergo the latest NRS professional development to be updated of standards, policies, and guidelines.
- Data Foundation and Structure-
- Anticipation to implement these plans
*Purchasing a separate or suitable data system for the State Office
- Technical assistance you might need to implement these planned changes.
- Upgrade computers for staff and faculty
- Need upgraded equipment for lab and office.
Performance Data Analysis
Indicator #1: Obtained a GED or Secondary School Diploma
The Adult Education Literacy and Extended Learning Program (AELEL) have continuously offered educationally disadvantaged adults the opportunity to earn their high school credentials. In the Territory, as it is in some of the U.S. states, the GED diploma represents a second chance at secondary education and opening of new opportunities. Those in the general public who have not had the opportunity to complete their high school education are the primary targets of the program. Preparatory courses for the GED and HiSet exams are part of the AELEL course offered at the college every semester.
In SY 2021-2022, 4% (4) achieved their goal of obtaining a HiSet diploma, this percentage was the result of student testing through the test approaches in the set of three. The Pandemic Covid-19 hardship has contributed to the decrease, for many students opted to join the workforce due to online processes that made things difficult for learning.
Indicator #2: Enter Employment
Many students who enter our Adult Basic Education and English Second Language programs indicated entering employment as one of their goals. It is also a fact that most of them if not all do not have a high school diploma to land a decent job. Having this information on hand encourages the program to advise the students to seek their diploma through the HiSET
exam before making a job choice. Although this is our preference, students have shown to leave the program to take up a job when opportunity is available. This is an ongoing issue from the previous reporting year, as our local economic forecasting doesn’t look promising with one of the two canneries closed and the other is uncertain with its operation. The employment percentage for this year is 65%. Many of these individuals will return to complete their studies and obtain a high school equivalency when they are faced with a job promotion that requires a diploma or decided to go into the arm forces. Upon the opening up of employment since the Covid-19 limitations, more students have sought jobs in government and private agencies.
Indicator #3: Retained Employment
Majority of AELEL students are currently employed and we are continuously working with the Department of Human Social Service literacy program for newly hired and previous participants. We are currently moving forward with prospective literacy programs in partnership with the American Samoa Government to assist with new employee certification, current employee recertification, and workplace literacy. AELEL has experienced a slight decrease in this indicator from this year due to the Pandemic.
Indicator #4: Enter Postsecondary Education or Training
The only institution of higher learning in the Territory is the American Samoa Community College. This is also the major service provider for AELEL. We are able to work closely with the Office of the Registrar in transitioning our students to college. A few of our students left the island to further their education and/or training but when they do, it is difficult to track them. Due to the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic, many of our students are seeking jobs instead of continuing their education. These jobs are mostly low wage jobs and are not reported in any data available. This reporting year we are seeing an increase in this indicator due to hard push by the community for students to stay in school and go further than a high school diploma/equivalency. In SY 2018-19 we had 86% and now in SY 2020-21 our performance dropped to 45%.
Integration with One-stop Partners
AELEL has established standard operating procedures for each eligible provider to carry out its responsibility for meeting one-stop requirements under 34 CFR part 463, subpart J. Working with its WIOA core partners collaboratively in providing career services in the most needed area as indicated by the private sector survey and the data provided by the Human Resources Office Adult and Dislocated Worker. The core partners via a memorandum of understanding between agencies will share the cost of supporting the infrastructure of a one-stop center. We are in a cooperative effort with our WIOA core partners and the USDOL together with Guam MIS.
Currently, we are working to have the Adult Education Program represented in the State Workforce Investment Board. Efforts in getting the WIOA board to partner with the Adult Education Literacy & Extended Learning hasn’t been forthcoming due to the fact that the WIOA board has been inactive for a while. This is due to the fact that the American Samoa Government Department of Human Resources new Director under the supervision of the new Governor has not yet decided on the fate of the WIOA board. With the passage of WIOA in July of 2014, AELEL was able to start dialogue with Title I and Title IV partners in reference to its implementation. The Governor has not decided yet on the composition of the Workforce Board but the partners under WIOA are continuing the conversation at the table. The WIOA compliance board hasn’t been established yet until the new Governor finalizes members and work is in progress.
The Trades and Technology Division at the college will continue its agreement with AELEL in providing training for the local workforce for any prospective classes. In this agreement we will utilize the CASAS employability assessment to assess the participants and provide basic skills courses in English and mathematics. In addition, we will provide basic literacy courses in English and mathematics to the participants of their certification programs for auto mechanic, welding, electrician, and carpentry. AELEL will provide workplace literacy classes upon request from the government and private agencies. This will be the case with their recent apprenticeship program. These programs have been ongoing with our Trades and Technology division here at the college. We will pledge to work with the membership in the local WIOA board so that we can address the new mandates of WIOA and to better serve the people of American Samoa through a strong partnership to develop our local workforce.
Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education
IELCE Funds and grants
American Samoa does not receive any Civics funding as of now. There is a talk about applying for this funding in the future but it is not certain at this moment. Therefore, AELEL as the eligible agency for AEFLA funding will continue to integrate English literacy programs and all existing educational programs, job training, and career pathways offered at the state one-stop center.
Training activity
IELCE Section 243(c)(1)
IELCE Section 243(c)(2)
Adult Education Standards
AELEL had conducted a cross reference of the American Samoa College Career Ready Standards (ASCCRS) from the Department of Education K-12 system and the Adult Basic Education College Career Ready Standards furnished by the Office of Career Technical and Adult Education (OCTAE) in the content area of reading and math. Further information about AELEL can be accessed in the ASCC FY 2022 Outcome Plans. All registered students are required to take the appraisal to determine students’ placement, and to assign appropriate
pre-test. The State Office, which is also the Local Office for Adult Basic Programs in American Samoa conducts all data collection and follow up procedures first hand due to being the only service provider on island.
The College and Career Readiness Standards (CCR) for Adult Education report presents a set of college and career readiness standards that reflect the content most relevant to preparing adult students for success in colleges, technical training programs, work and citizenship—in the areas of English language arts/literacy and mathematics. America’s high schools have a profound responsibility to ensure that our nation’s 14 million high school students are college ready, career ready and life ready. Standardized test scores; traditionally used as the primary readiness indicator; do not always provide an accurate representation of our students’ potential. Like the global economy, today’s students are driven by ideas and innovations. They should not be reduced down to, or defined by, a single test score. To increase the success of the 2.5 million adults who access the nation’s adult basic education system, the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) has conducted several projects to provide Adult Basic Education students with rigorous standards comparable to those found in K-12.
As a subcontractor, AIR staff led the process to revise the educational functioning levels (EFL) for the National Reporting System (NRS) to align with the College and Career Ready Standards. The standards describe the skills that could be taught to adult education students to prepare them for employment and further education. The EFLs are used to define a progression of skills within six adult basic education levels to guide assessment and instruction within the NRS. The NRS is the accountability system for adult education programs. The American Samoa Community College was fully online beginning Feb.2022 as per mandate from the American Samoa Government. Therefore, AELEL was fully online with classes as well.
There is no significant difference in both standards due to the fact that these standards derived from the National College and Career Ready standards (NCCR). AELEL will ensure to follow above information with any set of standards that comes out in the future.
Programs for Corrections Education (AEFLA Section 225)
AELEL was in partnership with a non-profit faith-based organization in providing adult education literacy programs to individuals housed at the Tafuna Correctional Facility. Services are prioritized for those who are likely to leave the correctional institution within 5 years of participation in the program. It is a challenge to work with the Tafuna Correctional Facility officials who handle the data for the criminal offenders because they do not have a permanent person handling files and records at the institution. We are working on a proper solution to the problem and continuing to provide educational services to the participants. I am confident to say that there is a rate of recidivism of people whom the program serves. The past summer semester AELEL was able to serve participants at the Correctional Facility.