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Table 10: Outcome Achievement for Adults in Correctional Education Programs

Table 10: Outcome Achievement for Adults in Correctional Education Programs

Program Year
2017 (July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018)
Core Follow-up Outcome MeasuresNumber of Participants who ExitedNumber of Participants who Exited Achieving Outcome or Median Earnings ValuePercent Achieving OutcomePeriods of Participation
Total Periods of ParticipationNumber of Periods of Participation Achieving Outcome or Median Earnings ValuePercent of Periods of Participation Achieving Outcome
Measurable Skill Gain294013390.4554304213460.4425
Employment Second Quarter after exit22175750.259422585820.2578
Employment Fourth Quarter after exit11242980.265111252980.2649
Median Earnings Second Quarter after exit5753034N/A5823025N/A
Attained a Secondary School Diploma/Equivalent and Enrolled in Postsecondary Education or Training within one year of exit395270.0684395270.0684
Attained a Secondary School Diploma/Equivalent and Employed within one year of exit395430.1089395430.1089
Attained a Postsecondary Credential while enrolled or within one year of exit5520.03645520.0364

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OMB Control Number 1830-0027